captains log 0284: SUMMER of '23 SALE

hi all, hope all is well. i have some prints for sale, some higher priced stuff, some lower priced stuff. most of it geared towards ‘hey honey we’re almost broke, we gotta get the car fixed, pay for braces, college for the kiddos, just general life stuff.’ you can check it out here. apologies on the huge prices on some of these, i’m not comfortable with it but hey, life can be uncomfortable, i accept that.

but i also have some artprints you can preorder, they won’t ship til august, so if you order a few things and your order includes an artprint, the whole order won’t ship til august unless you drop us a note requesting two different shipments. and you’ll have to cover the extra shipping, alas. i’m not made of money! i’m made of high fructose corn syrup, according to the doctor.

anywho, questions? drop us an email. don’t feel pressure to buy, i’ll be ok regardless, i hear kidneys are fetching a premium right now. and my dad’s a heavy sleeper, he won’t notice.

thanks for looking!

ps. just a reminder to donate to brian ewings gofundme, the man, the myth, the legend.

captains log 0283

here i am slackin, i know it, i know it. sale is still upcoming, sarah says we need the money. i should mention, lotta these posters aren’t really ‘friend’ prices, more like ‘hey i have not many of these prints left so scarcity drives up price’ type prices. which aren’t fun for your hard earned dollars, my apologies. i think we have some more reasonably priced stuff on the horizon, new stuff, red stuff, blue stuff.

anywho, if you’re on my mailing list you’ll get the note about these ‘deals.’ plus i’ll have a couple artprint preorders if you’re into that, ‘remastered’ as it were.

so, theres the update, watch your inbox, apologies on the wait! til then, some music to ssssoothe the savage beast….
- the tempations / papa was a rolling stone
- i’m on a george jones kick lately, and honestly i’m not a huge country music guy, but i appreciate these. drinkin’ / lovin’ / leavin
- they might be giants / don’t let’s start / other fathers song

captains log 0282

so, contrary to popular belief, i am still among the land of the living. been working on my chicken coop, getting the goats squared away, emu’s gotta be milked, i tell ya, farm life ain’t all its cracked up to be. we do have a poster coming in august, gonna be pretty fun. i think. plus some band stuff, some other stuff hopefully. working with an old buddy, one of my oldest poster homies actually. nothing to complain about.

but, obviously, money doesn’t grow on trees so i’ll have a poster sale coming up (hopefully). possibly this week. we stouts are at a summer camp all of july, so the goal is sell and ship before july 1st. plus my second oldest daughter is putting some of my books on ebay. honestly, its a little painful but i just don’t have the room. they’ve been good friends but if you go years and years between reading them…its time. so check these book sales out and expect a poster sale soon. if you do pick up a book let me know and i’ll hide a handbill in the pages, make it extra special for you.

other than that, all the links fit to print.
- this happened like 2 miles from my house. crazy. my only complaint is they got my age wrong. dude, you’re letting us down. aim higher.
- rewatched this recently and really enjoyed this song. my parents had this record when i was growing up. hilarious.
- this guy always has some really smart ideas, how letters / words are formed.
- some thoughts on barrys directing style in season 4.
- this is weird and kind cool. but weird.
- the voice of cobra commander. and starscream. wild.
- honestly i expected more carnage but still kinda cool.
- jack ‘king’ kirby video. stealing isn’t really the same as inspired, but what do i know
- egglien / paper weird perspectives / this is more intense than entire movies / doomflesh
- goodbye Treat Williams. Deep Rising has long been one of my favorite films of all time. rewatching it now. followed by Deep Star Six (which remains Treat Williams-less.) possibly completing the trilogy by watching Leviathan.

captains log 0281

well, the month of may, the sun has come to the pacific northwoods. and with it, lawns to mow. no complaints.

not much new to report, some items still in motion, hoping to have some items for sale soon, but til then, a bunch of links for your approval.

- first off, the epic fantastic artist brian ewing has some medical concerns that aren’t any fun to deal with, but here is his gofundme. if you have a few gold pieces to throw his way, it would be much appreciated. the poster business is an exciting adventure but alas, good healthcare insurance is usually one of the things it lacks.

- also from the land of rock posters, one of my other poster heroes has passed on. Frank Kozik, one of the reasons i got into posters in the first place, is no more among us. he left an indelible mark on my brain, as well as my career, and will be missed.

- in non-poster related news, this comic book artist apparently changed the comic world. always interesting to see what inspired the people who inspire us.
- empire strikes back. some fun behind the scenes info.
- film making character design.
- walrus. lighter.
- dune. father, the sleeper is not ready to get out of bed yet. too early.

captains log 0280

WELL, today is my birthday, another day closer towards THE BOSS LEVEL, exciting. people ask me all the time ‘whats the trick to looking so young?’ and i tell them ‘ITS NOT A TRICK MICHAEL, IT’S AN ILLUSION.’ also, no one says i look young. i got like 5 or 6 kids, i’m old.

but, i finished a poster that was announced like, 3 years ago, so i got that going for me. screening details are being worked out but suffice to say, if i die, the files are on my external hard drive and sarah should be able to work with the printer to get them printed. SUCCESS.

but, that screening stuff is a ways off, out of my hands, i’ll announce it all whence it is announce-able. til then, i will leave these links for your approval and hopefully have new wares to shill before too long. thanks!
- so long al jaffee, finally folded. fond memories.
- i’m on a youtube shorts kick, so i’ll share the best of for me:
- this axl rose fella sounds like high maintenance. job sounds like a relatable nightmare.
- tennis balls, how do they work? ok, now do pressure cookers. ok, chewing gum.
- i don’t follow too much of this AI art business, but i saw this and was like ‘hey, neat.’ now photoshop just needs to integrate that into their ‘save for web’ feature. and AI programmers will probably then devise a workaround. those guys, i tell ya.

captains log 0279

well well well, its already March. but on the good news front, my newest / longest poster job is almost done. so that is good. i get distracted with free work / camp tshirts / just random stuff that never makes the portfolio but gosh darn it i feel like i’m helping someone, can’t put a price on that. well you can, its usually a negative sign with a bunch of numbers after it. just kidding, my reward awaits in heaven, as my dad always says.

anywho, til then, here is some internet treasure that is worth watching one time then forgetting.
- calligraphy / rugmaking / dinosaur painting
- these letterpress shorts are pretty rad. pig day / wildlife day, greeting cards
- calligraphy ink. i had no idea.
- conversely, the origins of RAM MAN. i had no idea.
- sharks in the ocean. i had some idea.
- billy graham. reminds me of my grandpa every time i see him. takes me back.
- these are pretty fun on your phone, the dual speaker effect. OUATIH. MVICE.

thanks to jeremy for this cool picture frame up from my natural selection piece last year. kinda neat.

captains log 0278

howdy, thanks to everyone the bid/participated in that previous auction, much appreciated. if you still have an outstanding order from us, please let us know, since according to my records, pretty much everything should have arrived at this point. but i know things slip thru cracks, the postal service isn’t perfect, so please let us know.

otherwise, hopefully wrapping up some stuff soon and can announce that. til then, i submit these links for your entertainment purposes.
- army of darkness poster writeup
- AI art finger ring. handsome!
- jackie brown writeup.
- g.i.joe cobra attack. house of memorrrieees, slowed down. fun.
- tank police intro. anime’s have a long history of great intros.

captains log 0277

greeeeetings. hope all is well. just a heads up i have a poster on ebay. to be more specific, i am selling a print on ebay to raise funds for a person in our family that passed away last week. her sister also has a gofundme running, if you wish to donate to that.

a bit about the sale. hopefully its pretty clear. not sure why ebay charges a bit more for shipping than i do. honestly that whole ebay business, just not easy to figure out for a poor sap like me. but yeah, sale starts today. ends sunday, 10AM.

if there was a question and answer forum, some might ask
Q: do i get a tax write off for the money i spend on this, since its a fundraiser?
A: no. you get a poster, just like a normal poster purchase. the money you spend will go towards the gofundme, but from tstout.

Q: it says you get a sketch as well, if it goes over 500. can i pick the sketch?
A: no. that would ruin the surprise.

so there ya go. if you have the poster already, tell your friends, spread the word. if you don’t have it, i assume you’ll keep it a secret since you’d like to purchase it for $1. hey, i would too.

captains log 0276

greetings. just a heads up i have finally updated my stickers section as well as my handbill section, plus a few under illustration and music posters. have yet to add my woodcut stuff or radiation burn/kolcut stuff. since those need some photography work done. otherwise, fairly up to date for all your cataloging needs.

regarding pros and cons, definitely a lot of variations, i figured it would make the collecting game more fun. could be wrong though, could be overkill.

anywho, here be the debris and detritus from around the internets.
- everything you didn’t know about Christopher Nolan / OUAT in Hollywood / the Gentlemen
- Norm joke with ol Bob Saget, gets me everytime.
- Garfield gameboy game. dark. almost too dark.
- why we all need subtitles. plus, i am going deaf i think.
- this trailer does not look good.

captains log 0275

well shoot, halfway through jan23 and mostly done with shipping, mostly. so hopefully people aren’t hating their orders, hopefully some decent things arrived. for those of you who haven’t received it yet, should ship this week, if you don’t get shipping notifications by next week, drop us a note.

as always, drop us a line if things are damaged or missing or not what you ordered. sarah does her best but easy to make mistakes. especially once she starts in on the drinking.

til then, here are some links, some of these are pretty old, pulled from the bookmark file
- how to draw an oval. super handy! let me just drill two holes into my sketchpad.
- get well soon ol hawkeye. hopefully doesn’t affect his aim.
- this guy has a ton of ‘how to grow’ type videos. great stuff. granted, the only thing i grow is belt sizes, but still, appreciate these.
- i think this ambigram stuff is cool. i shouldn’t even share it since i’ll eventually use it on a poster maybe.
- g.i.joe co-creator was also into some weird stuff. unless you had Zartan, then stuff like this is old hat.
- this google street view from the sudan is pretty wild. wonder what is happening.

captains log 0274

greetings from the year 2023. this is what the future looks like. rainy. but figured i’d kick off the new year with a order update - calendars arrived today courtesy of brokenpress, andrew as always delivering killer printing work. a bit later than i had hoped, that’s on me, waiting til the holidays to get things rolling, its a crazy time of year and i do it every year. on the plus side, they’re being stamped as we speak, and then shipped, as are sticker packs which were waiting for the handbills to arrive. so that’s good! no hard feelings if you’d prefer a refund, just drop us a note, info at tstout dot com. or if you get your order and things are damaged, which happens during the holidays (or anytime of year i suppose). we’ll get it sorted out, if we can’t replace, we can always refund.

otherwise, hopefully everyone enjoyed their holidays, celebrating in their own unique and festive ways. sarah made her signature drink, which is pretty identical to tim heideckers. ah, christmas spirits.

as always, appreciate your patience. hopefully these links will make up for the wait (they won’t).
- night of the comet. weirdly you can watch it all on youtube. convenient. this song is still killer. great soundtrack in general.
- coffeezilla: so i’ve been hooked on these lately and man, kinda depressing.
- things about conan, some new to me. or about jon bernthal. everybody has interesting trivia.
- how to draw perspective. tips. tricks. i am no good at this.
- neat poster article about randy tuten
- neat poster article about 80’s movie posters.
- some interesting behind the scenes stuff about res dogs. rated R for a reason.

captains log 0273

so, stickers are all pretty well in hand (well my hands), handbills and lunar calendars are printing and hopefully wrapping this week. sarah is shipping some stuff this week but some stuff will probably ship next week, alas. my hope of having calendars in hands by christmas has once again escaped my grasp. but soon, super soon. til then, if you were giving a stickerpack or calendar as a gift, you can download a certificate here, print it out and give them that, only to watch the confusion on their face slowly turn to anger.

til then, keep any questions coming via email, if you need refunds on anything, hit us up, here to help. otherwise, i will leave you with these bits and pieces of entertainment.
- 65: this is just odd feeling to me. i post it only for the oddness.
- baumgartner on painting restoration. some great work by this guy.
- hayao miyazaki on AI animation. and probably AI art in general. just thought it interesting.
- QT on Aliens / Barry on evolving as a character / True Detective character evolution
- kinda interesting note on a pretty famous poster for led zep

otherwise, if i don’t talk to you before christmas, have a very merry one, from the stouts to all of you. thanks again for the sale orders, made me realize how fortunate i am to have customers like all of you, to do this business, to be in this field. i vow to try harder this next year.
and to lose 30 lbs. er, 20. ok 10. HO HO HO, MERRY CHRISTMAS.

captains log 0272: sale info

seasons greetings from the folk here at (all 2 of us). looking for the perfect christmas gift? this probably isn’t it, due to the printing / shipping queue that we’re currently looking at. but, a perfect gift for that special loved one who has a birthday right after christmas.

here is the link for the sale stuff, for those of you interested. if you’re curious how long the sale will last, check back here for updates. calendars, this is the last preorder push before the printing begins. stickerpacks are ready to ship, minus the handbills that print with the calendars. a few other older items that i have a few copies of, digging stuff out of the flatfiles to cover the bills that accrue during the holidays. and just during life stuff. so, if you see something that grabs your fancy, feel free to purchase.

SHIPPING NOTE: if you purchase something, then go back and purchase something else, drop us a note to see if we can combine shipping. sometimes we can’t, like 10 posters can’t ship with 6 stickerpacks, but sometimes we can. apologies on the high cost of shipping, i try to cut a few bucks off of each option, but the prices are currently astronomically high. 18$ to ship to NYC! nuts.

thanks again for all your support and kindnessessess.

EDIT: so everything here is up, whatever is up, that’s what i have to sell, nothing more, alas. appreciate all the orders! been a slow year, 2022, for a myriad of reasons, but 2023, its going to be great, i’ve got a feeling.

captains log 0271: tis that season

well, finally getting my life together enough to have a poster / calendar / sticker sale coming up. long time coming i know. SO, look for that in your emails next week. things are printing, things are in motion. nothing earth shattering but things that i think are cool. you can think what you want about me… i’m not changing. i like me. my wife likes me. my customers like me. cuz i’m the real article. what you see is what you get.

til the email is sent out, let these links wash over you like a christmas fog. although they’re not christmas related per say.
- ROCKETEER. this movie was great and they missed out not making a sequel immediately.
- raccoons. pandas. i haven’t been on instagram in…awhile. its too much for ol ty.
- being the rainy season here in the PNW (PreNumbered Wallabies), its a good time to journey through ON CINEMA’s many seasons. all the lows and all the HEI’s. of which i am a member because i needed access to season 12.
- being christmas season, time to break out the old holiday favorites. my dinner with andre. sharkys machine. TOO MANY TO LIST.
- this dungeons and dragons poster is not great. some odd choices being made. from the title to the layout…just a lot going on.
- cooking with LaRue. i felt like me, laughing at this, was a good indicator of my age bracket.
- my buddy brian made this for his ALS groups, if you’re in the PNW and know someone with ALS, or have it, check out these groups, they’re good people and its a good support system.

captains log 0270

still taking lunar calendar preorders, putting together the sale stuff like stickerpacks and whatnot, trying to have the printing arrive not long after the orders, to prevent a huge ‘ordered in july, received in january’ type situation. so hopefully things line up. we got a lot.

but yeah, otherwise, heading out of november and into december. should be a good month, i feel like things are on the uptick. could just be microbial gut bacteria talking, but i have hope.

til then, enjoy the news -
- 4 hour work print, who has the time. still, some fun bits.
- so, i purchased my first crypto currencies literally the day it all started crashing. my apologies on ruining it for everyone. but this was kinda interesting to me.
- daredevil, i believe i have this series from way back.
- ah, the snake science. the lesser of the sciences.
- yeah this movie might make my list for this year. the second half was fun.
- music. clapYHSY / SNIBE / ET / CLASSY / Rhinestone
- botch is playing again. that’s pretty epic. i would enjoy seeing them again. one of my first posters was for them. possibly with akimbo and harkonen.

captains log 0269

curious what to get the friend with an unhealthy fascination in moon cycles? look no more! our 2023 lunar calendar makes moon watching fun. perfect for that lycanthrope in your life. we’ll be sending out an official email once all our ducks are lined up, but no harm in giving people a heads up.

til then, enjoy the soothing sounds of the holidays:
- jean shepherd / beer nostalgia
- gijoe commercials
- something in the dirt. looks good.
- high water main fix. good fix.
- yeah right. i remember watching this with a gang of skateboarder dudes in 2003. memories. great soundtrack.
- super old news, but interesting to someone who has a pinky toe in the vinyl record world.
- frisbee. too relatable.

captains log 0268

EDIT: thanks again!

til the next thing, these things will devour a small portion of your day, if you let them.
- sad to hear we lost kevin o’neill, one of my personal artist legends. frequent alan moore collaborator.
- its always moving to hear people’s tributes of artists, even if i myself wasn’t as familiar with that person’s work.
- the empty man movie was a lot of fun, and this directors portion of GDT’s Cabinet series on netflix, the autopsy, was the standout of the bunch. along with Panos Cosmatos’ the viewing. honestly, cosmatos stuff captures a vibe everyone else wants to capture but can’t quite land. but maybe i’m biased (i honestly have no idea how he got that patch, random yet awesome).
- these photos aren’t as fun, but telling of the times we live in.
- not sure i 100% agree with this, but i like lists, if only to disagree.
- i have zero stock trading knowledge, but this had some interesting insights i thought were worth reading.
- an american werewolf in london. i always dug this song/movie combo.

captains log 0267: sticker presale

howdy howdy howdy. so i have a few stickers i’ll be trying to swindle you with in a little bit, once they’re printed, once i’m doing stickerpacks in a month or two. but i thought i’d change it up a bit , let those of you that frequent (all two of you) have the opportunity to preorder the pack of your choice, instead of the random fruitbasket one usually receives.

no worries if nothing grabs your fancy, but feel free to take a look.

i’ll update here when these are actually in hand and shipping, so don’t order if you’ve got to have them by tomorrow, these are preorders so they’ll take a bit.

otherwise, chugging along on poster work, slowest person in the world but finally feeling like i’m getting the hang of things again.
so that’s good.

captains log 0266

trying to wrap up new things, but i do have some of these wood burns left that sarah is currently shipping. if you’re interested, you can pick one up here - if not… that’s ok. EDIT (so the reason new ones keep popping up, selling out then coming back again, i had a few orders with multiples, so once those were refunded, those copies went back up. just to avoid any confusion. thanks for your orders!)

otherwise, hopefully i can get new stuff done and be a normal human being again. i try, and i try, and i try. its not easy.

til then, submitting these important historical documentaries for your approval.
- important halloween candy announcement. gotta watch out, lotta weirdos out there.
- ant. i’m sure everyone saw this but man, that’s wild.
- kinda an interesting book cover article. i try not to judge book cover articles by their…covers
- having just rewatched alien 1-3, the directors cut of alien 3 is superior. TO ME anyways. or assembly cut or whatever they’re calling it.
- something japanese and i have in common. its just interesting how organic it looks.
- human league. i’d wear a human league shirt. elvis. haven’t seen the new movie yet. but i used to work at a video store and would play Aloha from Hawaii on vhs nonstop. it was awesome. people complained.
- tenet explained. BUT DOES IT?

captains log 0265: BACK FROM THE DEAD

geez, what a long strange…summer its been. actually its been great, spent at a month hammering nails at my kids summer camp, built a chicken coop on the ol stout compound, got my barn all organized. been putting off my social media updates, longer it went the more weird i felt about it, turned into a thing, like a phobia thing, weird. but hey, the rain is on its way so my time outside it probably at its end. time to pay the bills, as sarah likes to shout at me. so, hopefully the tstoutdotcom machine will begin rumbling back to life soon enough. first off, finally fulfilling those wood cuts i promised many moons ago, so will offer those up for sale to the original buyers first, then if they pass, onto the general populace. also some music stuff and hopefully other stuff, time to buckle down and make it happen cap’n. so, just an update to say hey, i am not yet dead. hopefully most of you are alive as well! if not, hopefully you’re not reading this. it will be a letdown compared to the afterlife.

UNTIL THEN, here are some links that i have been storing up in my cheeks like a squirrel with his nuts. that doesn’t sound weird at all.
- sharing this neat frame up ol chad sent me. pretty sweet!
- my comics intake has slowed over the years, but i did pick this up from mr ross. interesting making of.
- also, i will be picking this up. moebius. amazing.
- now this is wild. lionfish. invasive. wild. of course i will never scuba dive. the sharks will get me. or these will.
- nostalgia is a powerful drug. gucci knows, they know.
- this was an interesting article about art. netflix. reproductions. etc. and this article was like a different language.
- on a much more somber note, these talks are pretty heart wrenching. R.J. Miller has some insightful thoughts.
- lastly, on the upswing, these always pick me up. the original. the timeless jayhawks. good stuff.