still taking lunar calendar preorders, putting together the sale stuff like stickerpacks and whatnot, trying to have the printing arrive not long after the orders, to prevent a huge ‘ordered in july, received in january’ type situation. so hopefully things line up. we got a lot.
but yeah, otherwise, heading out of november and into december. should be a good month, i feel like things are on the uptick. could just be microbial gut bacteria talking, but i have hope.
til then, enjoy the news -
- 4 hour work print, who has the time. still, some fun bits.
- so, i purchased my first crypto currencies literally the day it all started crashing. my apologies on ruining it for everyone. but this was kinda interesting to me.
- daredevil, i believe i have this series from way back.
- ah, the snake science. the lesser of the sciences.
- yeah this movie might make my list for this year. the second half was fun.
- music. clapYHSY / SNIBE / ET / CLASSY / Rhinestone
- botch is playing again. that’s pretty epic. i would enjoy seeing them again. one of my first posters was for them. possibly with akimbo and harkonen.