captains log 0101

last update: fantastic mr fox sale is pretty well wrapped up, appreciate the orders and email entries, as always i am in your debt.

update 3: apologies on the lateness, second round going out shortly, mostly because we got stuck most of the day in a snowstorm and that messed up all the timelines. sarah's doing a final check on those that purchased in the first round, always a few people who entered twice, sucks to refund people, which is why i let sarah do it. but 2nd round going out and then we'll pretty much be wrapped up by tomorrow morning. small footnote: no need to email asking to be picked in the second round, sarah will just continue picking from the original lotto entries.

update 2: sarah's informed me the first round of emails have all gone out. a second smaller round will go out today at 8PM PST tonight, so there's always a chance we'll get you then, if you missed out. appreciate all the entries!

update: the lotto is closed and emails will be going out by 12PM PST today. i'll post an update when the first round of emails have gone out.

so, my fantastic mr fox poster is being sold via email lottery. click here to read more about it, including how to enter.

i also did a 2017 lunar calendar, and you can pick one up here. each calendar comes with a fantastic mr fox handbill.

lastly, i have a photo contest going on, if you're interested in winning a free poster. go here to learn more about that.

lotta info to juggle, hopefully i didn't make any mistakes.