captains log 0078

june already. good. breaking out my summer short shorts. looks like early on next week we'll be doing a sticker sale, would have hoped to have a few others items for sale that are caught up in the approval process, but to quote michael scott, somehow i'll manage.

til then, these caught my eye.
- mother russians bear facility. they make a funny sound.
- i think this werner herzog video class would be pretty incredible.
- this tradd moore character page is awesome. luther strode is awesome.
- could dune be the next star wars? no. but still, interesting. star wars, timely.
- and sarah says shes going to do this this summer. ONLY WITH PEOPLE. just kidding.
- this star trek poster is a pretty good homage to a pretty classic star trek poster. and speaking of star trek, i guess this is coming out. i've seen a pic of it and it looked decent quality.