so, another week, another update. i actually have almost all the pieces for the sticker shipments....waiting on one more piece, and then they shall be released, like doves at a Ozzy concert. as always, if you're fed up with waiting, i can refund your order. otherwise i expect (fingers crossed) these to start going out next week. once they've shipped i'll have my conchords and phish prints for sale.
nothing else to report. still waiting on a couple approvals, a few concert prints in the works as well. chugging along like something that chugs. a train? til then.
- in these crazy times, i watch this to cheer myself up. or this actually. or frankly, this, which says something about me, i know.
- this was weird. i know, stranger things, i'm watching it, alright already. get off my back.
- the maker
thanks for the words on my family situation, i know we all have things going on in our lives, and mind are comparatively mild on a world scale, but i guess it helps to put it out there sometimes. in regards to that, my grandpa did indeed see my dad again, so thanks for the thoughts.