well, hello september. i guess i'm going to have a booth at the rose city comic con this weekend. it was sarah's idea. so, i'll be there. due to weird life choices, i actually also have another thing going on this weekend as well, so on saturday i'll be at RCCC from like 4 to 7, and on sunday from like 12 til 5. the booth will be there from start til quitting time though, sarah will be running it, plus maybe my buddy tom. i'll just have a random assortment of older stuff, a few movie prints, some music prints, stickers, etc. i'll probably have some of my alien prints just to have something to sell, but rest assured i will have them for sale online at some point. just gotta have some stuff for the booth. all filler, no killer, as they say. plus obviously i'm up for signing whatever, when i'm there. its going to be nuts. or i dunno.