captains log 0217

tstout update my homies. do people use the word “homies” anymore? am i unhip? unpossible.

regardless, my terminator is nearing…well marching towards completion. the way it’ll work, sarah’s just one person, she’s bringing in a crew of poster shippers to help, but still, between me and my printer, this will take a bit of time to print and ship. I’m picking up the first 1000 prints tomorrow (wednesday), and those will ship early this following week. each week we’ll ship another 1000-1500 til boom, all done. your patience is vastly appreciated as always. plus, i think people will dig the extras i had printed up. who knows. lets just say, its a bit of an ‘interactive’ poster experience.

so, updated. these will start appearing at peoples doorsteps next week but do not be alarmed if you don’t get shipping right away. feel free to email, or i’ll be keeping updated with any news. all will be fine. exciting, isn’t it?

no other news to report, but i did have some links, as always -
- i’m not a big movie list guy (maybe i am) but this list had some real gems.
that last one, boy howdy, might go down as my favorite movie of the year. will forte is sublime. excellent jarvis cocker soundtrack inclusion.
- a great ceramic artist has a gofundme going on, chip in if you’re able to.
- ol jeff, you clever girl.

well shoot, that’s it. thought i had more links. i bookmarked this? or this? a poor crop for a link farmer like myself.
