captains log 0220

ah the infamous black friday. i’m not gotta lie, i’m not a big believer in buying stuff. or selling stuff. it makes for running my own business very challenging. probably why sarah runs the business and i stick to running from responsibilities.

sure, it’d be a perfect time to sell some scratch and dent tubes, each with 4 random prints, unwanted prints, damaged prints stamped with a big ol ‘damaged’ stamp. the dregs of the flatfiles. couple random stickers thrown in. couldn’t take any special requests. ‘could i get this specific print?’, because they’d already be packaged up in tubes, no way of knowing what each one contained. ready to ship, just have to slap a label on em and out the door they’d go. limit one tube per person. to quote oj simpson, that’s how i’d do it, if i did it.

but then i thought, what do people need more than old damaged posters? they need links. a little song. a little dance. a little joy to the world instead of just trying to make a buck. am i right? so….
- look at this shark and this guy. they look like they’re having fun.
- look at this classic blind melon song. ol shannon.
- look at this photographer, Don McCullin
- look at the strongest man in the world. and despair.
- look at this, an in depth examination concerning the rise of the unreliable narrator. man, this one hits close to home. too close.
