captains log 0248

well merry christmas eve, merry christmas, happy holidays. i gotta confess, this month got away from me, couple of freelance gigs threw off my schedule and some neat things happening in my personal life, just threw my life outta balance. but i know there may be a few of you that enjoy purchasing lunar calendars and sticker packs as gifts.

so on that note, i’m preselling my lunar calendar today, or a lunar calendar with a sticker pack combo. the big sticker pack sale will be next week, the big ol email to my mailing list will go out next week, some fun stuff (fun for me anyways). this presale is strictly for those that want to give an extra gift in time for the holidays. print out the lil’ ‘i bought you a tstout lunar calendar with a stickerpack’ type coupon, i’ll provide a link, it’ll be great.

to further clarify, Lunar Calendars will be presold in the sale next week. Sticker packs will be sold next week. I’ll post pictures, I’ll do the writeups, the whole song and dance, I’ll really present the heck out of this, i’m coming after those dollars. but today, this is just me trying to continue the tradition of having calendars available before christmas. hopefully that makes sense. the lunar calendars cannot sell out, it’s a presale, you can also buy them in my next upcoming sale. the sticker packs, i’ve got over 40 new sticker designs, including a whole new line of berserk merks, so unless i sell 3000 lunar calendars / stickerpack combos today, i’ll have plenty of sticker packs for next week. please don’t stress this sale at all.

if you’re on my mailing list, you’ll get hit up next week with all the sale info, it’ll be a great time. i’m wrapping up the store stuff now and will be updating this page in the next few hours with purchase info. easy peasy, lemon squeezy.