captains log 0233 - tstout tsticker sale info PSA

edit #3: i might have caused some minor confusion with my iron giant comment. i was referring to the idea that iron giant has had a few prints done for it already. i’m not actually doing a print for iron giant. its a great movie, but currently i have no plans for that one. its for a different movie. with many parallels to iron giant. both are scary. both involve cars.

second edit: i’ve had a few emails regarding next weeks release, fun that people are stoked. just to kinda temper expectations, its for a film that has seen its fair share of other posters. for me personally its kinda a bucket list item, but its not a deep dive in terms of movie prints, more of my take on a classic film. anywho, just wanting to lower people’s expectations. basically if you’re expecting iron giant, you’ll be stoked.

edit: well shoot, i was not expecting these to sell out this quickly, i will admit i am often befuddled by sales. sarah is pleased. our family thanks you all. honestly, it wrecks me a bit emotionally because so many options for people to spend money on, yet you spend it here. truly amazing.

quick shoe update: they have shipped, they are on their way, and soon as i get them i will ship. apologies for the arduous journey. in lighter news, i have a film print releasing next week. huzzah.

alright, thanks again

i have a few items up for sale, for those of you interested. if you’re interested in stickers and papergoods, go here.

if you’re interested in woodcut stuff, go here. they’re in different stores because they ship separately. but if you do order a woodcut and a stickerpack, we can probably ship those together, just drop us a note.

sorry for the increase in shipping costs, its killing us but man, prices keep going up. and sorry for the late sale, my web hoster company threw a curveball at me and i’m still working out technical weirdness.

any questions let us know!
