captains log 0259

how marvelous, how wonderful, and my song shall ever be! calendars have arrived, handbills, stickers, shirts. they all made it to tstout headquarters, and we are stoked. these shirts, so fancy, waterbased inks so the printing is super super soft, they feel amazing. printed by the very talented folks at riot printing, wow.

so everything is finally in which means everything must finally SHIP OUT. if you feel like you’ve waited long enough, its ok to ask for a refund, just drop me a note, you won’t hurt my feeling. whatever your order was, we’ll refund you 200%, that’s a double your money back tstout guarantee, just drop me a line. its not about money, its about us wanting to let you know, hey, your business is important. i know we can be slow sometimes, but hopefully the wait makes it all that sweeter. but again, drop me an email if you’re needing cash back instead. BEFORE THEY SHIP, no sneaky stuff, haha.

otherwise, the finger is now pushing down on the brain of sarah to ship these out ASAP. so say a little prayer for her. otherwise, enjoy these links, they were of note enough to me that i bookmarked em.
- THE WORST SMELL EVER. they haven’t smelled my son Med’s shoes.
- CHIP ‘N DALE - maybe. maybe. maybe.
- SIR CHARLES knocking on people. made me laugh a few times.

- my mom uploaded this video of my grandpa, basically a glimpse of his life, can’t sum him up in 15 minutes. he’s been gone almost 18 years now but man, feels like yesterday. Grandpa Med, to my Son Med. my hope for myself is that i can be .00001% the man he was. the second greatest man i’ve ever known.
