captains log 0289

hi all, just a heads up that spoke art is selling their Fury Road copies today, 10AM PST.
if you’re looking to pick up this print, this is the time and place.

as for if i’ll have any copies for sale down the road, the arrangement with spoke was, i provide the art, they sell the prints. i’ll probably get AP’s down the road, but no plans on selling them currently, it’ll be farther down the road since i’m not getting many. honestly, re-reading this, i realize i used ‘down the road’ three times without meaning to. that’s a sad commentary on my brain.

til then, here are some interlinks to light up your life -
- starship troopers: its up there with jurassic park in terms of how the CGI / practical effects have aged. super great.
- SCTV: probably my age but this had some laughs
- look at this vintage lettering set. crazy. or this medieval thingy. somewhat crazier.
- He-Man: this was pretty well done. or this animation guide thing you can download.
- killing cactusessesus’. or these road letters. both interesting.

alright, that’s it, hope everyone has a great day, great week, great month. i’m watching in the name of the rose with peak connery, not sure why i thought river phoenix was in this, instead of christian slater. also googling top 10 best medieval films.
