well the sale has wrapped up, thanks for all your orders and comments, questions, concerns. sarah handles it all but if you don’t get a timely response, make sure you check back in. honestly i don’t know how she does it.
otherwise, hopefully some new stuff coming soon and hopefully these sales all ship quickly, other than those that await printing, like the lenticular print or patches.
til next time, some gems to germinate -
- this lego pottery vid is great. this is pretty weird. this animation is sweet.
- this columbia pictures logo reference model
- good tip for drummers. this printer seems useful. posters droppa da bass.
- pac man beat / drum beat / 2 ingredient cheese. looks awful.
- i had never heard this song before. its pretty good, she could have a career in music.
- the sticker at the beginning is rad. and honestly, steve perry has a voice on him. incredible.
- this isn’t my favorite rush song, but i gets going. and this remains one of the best music vids.