EDIT: so its come to my attention that if you ordered 2025’s lunar calendar, you may have only received 1 Pros and Cons handbill. you should have received 2, it was advertised as coming with two. so, if that’s the case, if you’re in the (hopefully) small minority of people that happened to only receive one, please let us know via email. if you could forward your calendar order number as well, that’d help, since sarah will double check to make sure you ordered a calendar. no sneakies.
at some point in the future, without knowing the exact moment in time, i’ll be having a sale, some older music prints, some old stickerpacks, basically saving up for that 10k laser sarah told me i can’t buy. apparently ‘we’re broke’ is her go-to answer for everything these days. so watch for that, if you’re on my mailing list you’re get the note. plus i’ll have some woodcuts that i think are fun. we’ll see if that’s true for everyone.
til then, enjoy this list of finely curated internuts:
- congrats to the conchord boys. that album art lives on.
- this movie looks actually good. or this music vid of movie clips.
- prometheus, they cracked the code. AI kids in the 80’s. oblivion, underappreciated.
- film quality, bring it back. or hockey masks, bring those back.
- al green. clap your hands. roberta, rest easy. gavn. pavoratti.
- aw..this guy likes this dog. this lenticular stuff. this plumbline art thing.
- d&d was really underrated, i thought it was pretty fun. time to make a sequel.
- rest in peace ed byrd. comes for us all, but still, you left a mark.