captains log 0295

hello 2023 2024, new year, new me. honestly, there must be a name for the phobia people develop later in life about posting online. i don’t know the name, but i feel it. not sure why.

anywho, happy new year, sarah is busy shipping all the orders, apologies on not getting them out before the holidays, bit of a mixup in the post but tis all settled and the prints turned out pretty fancy, if i can pat myself on the back. 99% of that is due to the amazing printing by sir andrew, but still, feeling good about em.

stickerpacks are also shipping, as i mentioned before i subconsciously seemed to drift towards the smaller sized stickers this time around, not due to any budgetary restrictions, just seemed to land on a smaller size and now have mild regrets. SO, they all have 5 new stickers as promised but threw in an additional 3 or 4 others, hopefully its worth your hard earned dollars. lemme know if not.

work on the horizon, some new stuff, some old stuff, we’ll see what gets approved first. high hopes.
til then -
- collectible music memorabilia? for some reason this article falls within my venn diagram of interests.
- i try to stay off the gram, but it does hold the humor sometimes. yes sarah i know you saw it already. MAYBE OTHERS HAVEN’T.
- is this worth tracking down? it looks like it, i’ve never seen it. ELVES.
- i didn’t watch the whole thing, but a nice ethan / maya hawke interview.
- family russell and the stories they have. honestly i’d sign up for wyatt playing some sort of plissken type character. he was great in overlord.
- neat vid for this book. cartoon modern.
- hobey ford’s puppets. magical. or this fellow defining discipline so succinctly. apt.

captains log 0294

final edit: whelp, that’s it, the sale has completed successfully. lunar calendar edition will end up around 250ish, true myth artprints will run around 200ish, all in all, can’t complain, your orders are appreciated. check back here for shipping updates, or feel free to drop us an email as always inquiring about the status of your order.

edit: thanks for all the orders, immensely thankful, sarah promises the beatings shall be less frequent which is such a gift. still a few items up for sale, the timed editions shall go til noon friday, pacific standard time. i also did take the ‘limit 3 per person’ requirement off the stickerpacks, they’ve been up for awhile, so if you’re interested in purchasing more, i’ll allow it.

i have a few prints up for sale, some new ones, some old ones, some stickers. i’m sure from a marketing perspective, i should really spread these out more but man, i am not good at stuff like that. its like a bandaid, all at once, one motion.

so, here they be, the wares in my shoppe.

everything is a bit more spendy this year, a dollar here, 50 cents there, just due to rising shipping costs. so my apologies, i really do live not extravagantly, we stouts live well within our means and i am confident i will be buried in a pauper’s grave, if thats any consolation.

please pay special attention to the ‘one per person’, when listed. certain things we have to limit, other prints we don’t have to limit at all. so there ya go. in the end, everything is limited in one way or another since we don’t tend to delve into the realm of reprints, so tis all the one and only run we have of things.

otherwise, thanks for stopping by, thanks for your patronage and words of support, may you enjoy this fine Christmas month, may the Lord bless ye and keep ye, may he make his face to shine upon ye, and may this world, our world, find peace.

captains log 0293: come sale away

man, december 2023, where has the year gone? a myriad of memories. anywho, i have an upcoming poster / sticker sale on the books, so if you’re on my mailing list, expect an email regarding that. if you’re not on my mailing list, do not expect that email.

otherwise, enjoy this month, hope it treats you well, be kind and i’m rooting for kindness to be shown to ye. til then, here are some links that you might enjoy.
- the greatest poster OF ALL TIME…or a great poster anywho
- Rodney Dangerfield / a pretty classic standup routine
- some cool behind the scenes stuff. or some mindhunters stuff. movie magic!
- lo, quark, i do remember you. not a huge fan but still.
- ol mcconaughey, tellin’ texan tales
- aye carumba, apparently this touched a nerve, people are into lasers and screenprinting.
- in an alternate universe The Coupe De Villes are still touring and making hits, ol johnny c killin it!

captains log 0292

just an update, which i realize are few and far between these days, not sure why i have developed an aversion to posting stuff online, must be a weird mental thing.

as far as i know, everything from has shipped. there should be no outstanding orders, we should owe nobody anything. please drop us a note if this is not the case for you, and once again, i appreciate your patience from that last order. coming up, i have some sticker stuff, my phish poster and lunar calendars. also talks of a movie screening event on the horizon. we’ll see.

til then, some links for your viewing pleasure.
- tis the season for thing related goodness: game / set / match
- the process behind poster restoration. i realize it doesn’t work on all posters (i’ve seen mixed results), but cool to see where it does work.
- i’m kinda on the fence about getting one of these, for small personal type runs. fun.
- fifield monster. interesting the decisions that were made, personally i prefer the practical effects.
- this is interesting, especially for Audrey Kawasaki fans, but really for everyone.
- and lastly, for akira fans, a treat seeing history being made, though they didn’t realize it at the time.

captains log 0291

well i’ve got good news and i’ve got great news. the good news is my prints from way way way back have printed, and they turned out great. so those will be shipping next week with my apologies on the length of time it took. and thanks to D&L for the incredible print job, as always.

otherwise, some stuff in the works with VMP that should be fun, plus stickers and lunar calendars and whatnot.
will keep those of you on my mailing list updated on new stuff, upcoming print sales etc - otherwise, hope your october is going well.

til next time
- this is one of the funnier things i’ve seen in awhile, probably because the ocean is terrifying to me.
- this tidbit from tarantino is pretty wise. or this tip, applies to all areas, including how to draw.
- and yes, this helpful tip. but seriously, this guy has a very soothing voice and is dispensing good life tips. plus, i’m lefthanded so he is one of my people.
- this song was a nice pick me up.
- killer clowns from outer space is probably too much for my kids, but maybe Ernest scared stupid wouldn’t be. i saw it in theaters. and yes, i still call milk MIAK sometimes.
- ah art. i took this seriously til the very end. then i was like, ah, joking.
- some alien stuff? sure, i’m on board.
- this was kinda an interesting concept for me.
- lastly, this will cheer you up. it’ll work out, these guys have a shot, and so do you.

captains log 0290

well its october….again. i’ve been assured these prints are shipping soon…so we’re holding off any other sales until we can ship these bad boys out as well. seems like screenprinters are pretty booked up at the moment, andrew picked a heck of a time to have heart surgery! if you happen to be a screenprinter looking for small jobs, drop me a note, always good to have a backup list of people to hit up for print jobs. at the very least, nice to know who’s out there printing these days.

otherwise, nothing much going on. doing new projects. doing old projects. making stickers. living life. 2 kids in college. 1 in high school. 3 in middle school. one in preschool. never a dull moment.

i’m poor at social media, but i enjoy seeing what other people share. so i’ll just share that.
- i found parallels in this story to my own life. a short summary, or the original story.
- i have trouble reading sarcasm, i have found. so my concern over this is real. i’m a sucker.
- identifying trends is funny to me. or weird collecting patterns. and design tips that i’ll never use.
- i have never ever ever even heard of this movie until two days ago. by spielberg no less. crazy.
- this music guy is my kind of music guy. fer reals.
- this was funny to me, a funny transition that caught me unawares.
- for those of you questioning the bodily assumption of mary, have i got a link for you
- this seems like it could contain some hidden gems from the wayback machine.
- i tried out this animating thing…and the results were mixed. but still fun.

captains log 0289

hi all, just a heads up that spoke art is selling their Fury Road copies today, 10AM PST.
if you’re looking to pick up this print, this is the time and place.

as for if i’ll have any copies for sale down the road, the arrangement with spoke was, i provide the art, they sell the prints. i’ll probably get AP’s down the road, but no plans on selling them currently, it’ll be farther down the road since i’m not getting many. honestly, re-reading this, i realize i used ‘down the road’ three times without meaning to. that’s a sad commentary on my brain.

til then, here are some interlinks to light up your life -
- starship troopers: its up there with jurassic park in terms of how the CGI / practical effects have aged. super great.
- SCTV: probably my age but this had some laughs
- look at this vintage lettering set. crazy. or this medieval thingy. somewhat crazier.
- He-Man: this was pretty well done. or this animation guide thing you can download.
- killing cactusessesus’. or these road letters. both interesting.

alright, that’s it, hope everyone has a great day, great week, great month. i’m watching in the name of the rose with peak connery, not sure why i thought river phoenix was in this, instead of christian slater. also googling top 10 best medieval films.

captains log 0288

oh, what a week, what a lovely week its been. last week we had the pleasure of seeing FURY ROAD at the Clinton St. Theater with the Spoke Art crew, and i am glad things went as well as they did. no one died, so that’s good. Jeff from RF was just a super nice fella, just an all around good time. ken from spoke has plans for an online release, spoke is handling all the sales for this particular print, so i'll keep you updated with info as i hear it. the word is, they'll be available next week, so keep checking here or of course spoke art for more info.

update regarding these prints i mentioned in my last post. i haven’t forgotten them, i absolutely hate that they haven’t printed / shipped yet, but i have received confirmation they are printing first week of october by D&L. same thing as lost post applies, no hurt feelings if you need a refund, and i really appreciate your patience on these. i miss ol andrew, that guy, such a big heart it almost blows up. but he’s on the mend and soon will be back to work!

other than that, not much to report. i had a friend get their instagram completely hacked and destroyed (it was not me). so if you have an insider that works at instagram who can pull some strings, let me know and i’ll make it worth your while. but yes, i’ve tried all the regular googlings to recover the account, none of that stuff worked. i need to talk to a human person, not just resetting from facebook etc etc. anywho, insider trading, make it happen.

other than that, nothing new to report. some links for your eyeholes.
- conan vs predator soundtracks. kinda weird, was that just arnolds style back then? ‘more trumpets!’
- look at these things made in india. wild. or this guy doing stop motion. crazy.
- interesting that PREY was kinda an unexpected predator hit. good job those guys.
- carpenter remixes. blade runner video game review. or look back.
- good ol burt. really gave it his best.
- i like hacks like these. a ton of work to make something look terrible. or something look good, but is terrible as an idea.
- these blooper videos are always easy laughs. i like to laugh.

captains log 0287

so, a couple things to just spread the word about - i do have a mystery movie screening thing coming up, end of this month, couple places, the Roxie in San Fran, the Clinton Street Theater in PDX, should be fun. it’s probably not much of a secret what movie its for, listened to all the feedback and requests, pulled some strings, made it happen. going to be rippin’. totally stoked.

secondly, i presold some artprints last month, with the intention of shipping this month after they printed. unfortunately some things are beyond us earthly mortals’ control, so the printing has been delayed. hopefully next month they’ll be done, but if you’re waiting on your order to ship, and it includes these, you have a couple options:
- drop us a note and ask us to refund the artprint and ship without it. totally fine, can always pick up the artprint once they have printed.
- drop us a note and ask us to ship now without the artprint, and then pay for shipping again once the artprint arrives (not fun, paying for shipping twice).
- wait until the artprints are ship-ready and then we just ship them all together. this is the default choice, we’ll just hold off shipping til we get the prints. but if you’re wanting the other stuff in your order sooner, email us and choose one of the first two choices.

appreciate the understanding, we are 100% fine with doing any of these, don’t be afraid to drop us an email, no feelings will be hurt if you ask for refunds.

other than that, not much new to report. saw william friedkin passed away. another shark tooth, the rest of us teeth all advance forward. my top three of his would be To Live and Die in LA, Sorcerer and French Connection.
- also, this story of the appalachia man was relatable.
- iron man 15 years later.
- these tie dye shirts are awesome. i’d wear em.
- the creator. wonder if it will be good. these days, nothing guaranteed.
- these clint eastwood figures are amazing. probably a bit of a head trip for ol clint.

captains log 0286

O July, July, the month gone too soon! here we are in august already. and the question is, are you ready? i’m not, but time marches on.
so in the eternal sense, i guess i am ready.

the big news is phish nyc, currently ongoing, i did a poster that i’ll have for sale at some point.
if you’re not on my mailing list, get on it, party time.

in other news, my printer andrew had heart surgery, they put in a few new things, including a new found love of ska music (i hope), and from all accounts its going well! he’s out of the hospital sarah says, she knows these things. still, his downtime will be costly as a business owner, so he has a gofundme ongoing, check it out. you know us artist types, we all got into this field for the great retirement plan and amazing healthcare.

also, did some work for VMP, a record joint that produces quality work. this one is sold out but i believe they’ll have a few colorways at the end of the day. testing the waters.

also, i am pretty terrible at sharing amazing things people send me pictures of, but here are two i remembered to share:
- richard’s Civil War signature collection. amazing work.
- spencer’s amazing The Thing handbill frame up. great job!

other links for your approval -
- saw the new mission impossible. reminded me of this.
- this late late with adam pally / ben schwartz is somewhat hilarious.
- double it.
- how to start knife making. watching this technically equals making a knife. it counts.
- small soldiers 2? the video game? i dunno
- time to learn french. its time. le time.

captains log 0285: aftermath

hi all, thanks for all the orders and kind emails from the sale yesterday. i know i should probably leave up all the things that sold, but i’m always a little embarrassed by sold out items, i dunno. so i left up some just so people aren’t like ‘I WAS MISLED THERE’S NOTHING HERE’, but i dunno, weird to have things just hanging out, makes me feel naked or something. naked and afraid.

ANYWHO, still have two artprints for presale, numberwise we’re doing pretty good, slapped an edition number on them that i’m pretty confident we won’t go over, so its no longer an open edition til tomorrow, its got a firmed up edition (ending tomorrow at 3PM PST). variants have sold out, one is like edition of 65, the other is 50. i wish they were the exact same number but alas, maths.

so, thanks for everything, i’ll be out of reach in july, working at the kids summer camp (well, work minus the getting paid aspect), but we’ll hit the ground in august and hopefully have some stuff. we’ll still have email though, so drop us a note if you have questions. thanks!

captains log 0284: SUMMER of '23 SALE

hi all, hope all is well. i have some prints for sale, some higher priced stuff, some lower priced stuff. most of it geared towards ‘hey honey we’re almost broke, we gotta get the car fixed, pay for braces, college for the kiddos, just general life stuff.’ you can check it out here. apologies on the huge prices on some of these, i’m not comfortable with it but hey, life can be uncomfortable, i accept that.

but i also have some artprints you can preorder, they won’t ship til august, so if you order a few things and your order includes an artprint, the whole order won’t ship til august unless you drop us a note requesting two different shipments. and you’ll have to cover the extra shipping, alas. i’m not made of money! i’m made of high fructose corn syrup, according to the doctor.

anywho, questions? drop us an email. don’t feel pressure to buy, i’ll be ok regardless, i hear kidneys are fetching a premium right now. and my dad’s a heavy sleeper, he won’t notice.

thanks for looking!

ps. just a reminder to donate to brian ewings gofundme, the man, the myth, the legend.

captains log 0283

here i am slackin, i know it, i know it. sale is still upcoming, sarah says we need the money. i should mention, lotta these posters aren’t really ‘friend’ prices, more like ‘hey i have not many of these prints left so scarcity drives up price’ type prices. which aren’t fun for your hard earned dollars, my apologies. i think we have some more reasonably priced stuff on the horizon, new stuff, red stuff, blue stuff.

anywho, if you’re on my mailing list you’ll get the note about these ‘deals.’ plus i’ll have a couple artprint preorders if you’re into that, ‘remastered’ as it were.

so, theres the update, watch your inbox, apologies on the wait! til then, some music to ssssoothe the savage beast….
- the tempations / papa was a rolling stone
- i’m on a george jones kick lately, and honestly i’m not a huge country music guy, but i appreciate these. drinkin’ / lovin’ / leavin
- they might be giants / don’t let’s start / other fathers song

captains log 0282

so, contrary to popular belief, i am still among the land of the living. been working on my chicken coop, getting the goats squared away, emu’s gotta be milked, i tell ya, farm life ain’t all its cracked up to be. we do have a poster coming in august, gonna be pretty fun. i think. plus some band stuff, some other stuff hopefully. working with an old buddy, one of my oldest poster homies actually. nothing to complain about.

but, obviously, money doesn’t grow on trees so i’ll have a poster sale coming up (hopefully). possibly this week. we stouts are at a summer camp all of july, so the goal is sell and ship before july 1st. plus my second oldest daughter is putting some of my books on ebay. honestly, its a little painful but i just don’t have the room. they’ve been good friends but if you go years and years between reading them…its time. so check these book sales out and expect a poster sale soon. if you do pick up a book let me know and i’ll hide a handbill in the pages, make it extra special for you.

other than that, all the links fit to print.
- this happened like 2 miles from my house. crazy. my only complaint is they got my age wrong. dude, you’re letting us down. aim higher.
- rewatched this recently and really enjoyed this song. my parents had this record when i was growing up. hilarious.
- this guy always has some really smart ideas, how letters / words are formed.
- some thoughts on barrys directing style in season 4.
- this is weird and kind cool. but weird.
- the voice of cobra commander. and starscream. wild.
- honestly i expected more carnage but still kinda cool.
- jack ‘king’ kirby video. stealing isn’t really the same as inspired, but what do i know
- egglien / paper weird perspectives / this is more intense than entire movies / doomflesh
- goodbye Treat Williams. Deep Rising has long been one of my favorite films of all time. rewatching it now. followed by Deep Star Six (which remains Treat Williams-less.) possibly completing the trilogy by watching Leviathan.

captains log 0281

well, the month of may, the sun has come to the pacific northwoods. and with it, lawns to mow. no complaints.

not much new to report, some items still in motion, hoping to have some items for sale soon, but til then, a bunch of links for your approval.

- first off, the epic fantastic artist brian ewing has some medical concerns that aren’t any fun to deal with, but here is his gofundme. if you have a few gold pieces to throw his way, it would be much appreciated. the poster business is an exciting adventure but alas, good healthcare insurance is usually one of the things it lacks.

- also from the land of rock posters, one of my other poster heroes has passed on. Frank Kozik, one of the reasons i got into posters in the first place, is no more among us. he left an indelible mark on my brain, as well as my career, and will be missed.

- in non-poster related news, this comic book artist apparently changed the comic world. always interesting to see what inspired the people who inspire us.
- empire strikes back. some fun behind the scenes info.
- film making character design.
- walrus. lighter.
- dune. father, the sleeper is not ready to get out of bed yet. too early.

captains log 0280

WELL, today is my birthday, another day closer towards THE BOSS LEVEL, exciting. people ask me all the time ‘whats the trick to looking so young?’ and i tell them ‘ITS NOT A TRICK MICHAEL, IT’S AN ILLUSION.’ also, no one says i look young. i got like 5 or 6 kids, i’m old.

but, i finished a poster that was announced like, 3 years ago, so i got that going for me. screening details are being worked out but suffice to say, if i die, the files are on my external hard drive and sarah should be able to work with the printer to get them printed. SUCCESS.

but, that screening stuff is a ways off, out of my hands, i’ll announce it all whence it is announce-able. til then, i will leave these links for your approval and hopefully have new wares to shill before too long. thanks!
- so long al jaffee, finally folded. fond memories.
- i’m on a youtube shorts kick, so i’ll share the best of for me:
- this axl rose fella sounds like high maintenance. job sounds like a relatable nightmare.
- tennis balls, how do they work? ok, now do pressure cookers. ok, chewing gum.
- i don’t follow too much of this AI art business, but i saw this and was like ‘hey, neat.’ now photoshop just needs to integrate that into their ‘save for web’ feature. and AI programmers will probably then devise a workaround. those guys, i tell ya.

captains log 0279

well well well, its already March. but on the good news front, my newest / longest poster job is almost done. so that is good. i get distracted with free work / camp tshirts / just random stuff that never makes the portfolio but gosh darn it i feel like i’m helping someone, can’t put a price on that. well you can, its usually a negative sign with a bunch of numbers after it. just kidding, my reward awaits in heaven, as my dad always says.

anywho, til then, here is some internet treasure that is worth watching one time then forgetting.
- calligraphy / rugmaking / dinosaur painting
- these letterpress shorts are pretty rad. pig day / wildlife day, greeting cards
- calligraphy ink. i had no idea.
- conversely, the origins of RAM MAN. i had no idea.
- sharks in the ocean. i had some idea.
- billy graham. reminds me of my grandpa every time i see him. takes me back.
- these are pretty fun on your phone, the dual speaker effect. OUATIH. MVICE.

thanks to jeremy for this cool picture frame up from my natural selection piece last year. kinda neat.

captains log 0278

howdy, thanks to everyone the bid/participated in that previous auction, much appreciated. if you still have an outstanding order from us, please let us know, since according to my records, pretty much everything should have arrived at this point. but i know things slip thru cracks, the postal service isn’t perfect, so please let us know.

otherwise, hopefully wrapping up some stuff soon and can announce that. til then, i submit these links for your entertainment purposes.
- army of darkness poster writeup
- AI art finger ring. handsome!
- jackie brown writeup.
- g.i.joe cobra attack. house of memorrrieees, slowed down. fun.
- tank police intro. anime’s have a long history of great intros.

captains log 0277

greeeeetings. hope all is well. just a heads up i have a poster on ebay. to be more specific, i am selling a print on ebay to raise funds for a person in our family that passed away last week. her sister also has a gofundme running, if you wish to donate to that.

a bit about the sale. hopefully its pretty clear. not sure why ebay charges a bit more for shipping than i do. honestly that whole ebay business, just not easy to figure out for a poor sap like me. but yeah, sale starts today. ends sunday, 10AM.

if there was a question and answer forum, some might ask
Q: do i get a tax write off for the money i spend on this, since its a fundraiser?
A: no. you get a poster, just like a normal poster purchase. the money you spend will go towards the gofundme, but from tstout.

Q: it says you get a sketch as well, if it goes over 500. can i pick the sketch?
A: no. that would ruin the surprise.

so there ya go. if you have the poster already, tell your friends, spread the word. if you don’t have it, i assume you’ll keep it a secret since you’d like to purchase it for $1. hey, i would too.

captains log 0276

greetings. just a heads up i have finally updated my stickers section as well as my handbill section, plus a few under illustration and music posters. have yet to add my woodcut stuff or radiation burn/kolcut stuff. since those need some photography work done. otherwise, fairly up to date for all your cataloging needs.

regarding pros and cons, definitely a lot of variations, i figured it would make the collecting game more fun. could be wrong though, could be overkill.

anywho, here be the debris and detritus from around the internets.
- everything you didn’t know about Christopher Nolan / OUAT in Hollywood / the Gentlemen
- Norm joke with ol Bob Saget, gets me everytime.
- Garfield gameboy game. dark. almost too dark.
- why we all need subtitles. plus, i am going deaf i think.
- this trailer does not look good.