captains log 0275

well shoot, halfway through jan23 and mostly done with shipping, mostly. so hopefully people aren’t hating their orders, hopefully some decent things arrived. for those of you who haven’t received it yet, should ship this week, if you don’t get shipping notifications by next week, drop us a note.

as always, drop us a line if things are damaged or missing or not what you ordered. sarah does her best but easy to make mistakes. especially once she starts in on the drinking.

til then, here are some links, some of these are pretty old, pulled from the bookmark file
- how to draw an oval. super handy! let me just drill two holes into my sketchpad.
- get well soon ol hawkeye. hopefully doesn’t affect his aim.
- this guy has a ton of ‘how to grow’ type videos. great stuff. granted, the only thing i grow is belt sizes, but still, appreciate these.
- i think this ambigram stuff is cool. i shouldn’t even share it since i’ll eventually use it on a poster maybe.
- g.i.joe co-creator was also into some weird stuff. unless you had Zartan, then stuff like this is old hat.
- this google street view from the sudan is pretty wild. wonder what is happening.

captains log 0274

greetings from the year 2023. this is what the future looks like. rainy. but figured i’d kick off the new year with a order update - calendars arrived today courtesy of brokenpress, andrew as always delivering killer printing work. a bit later than i had hoped, that’s on me, waiting til the holidays to get things rolling, its a crazy time of year and i do it every year. on the plus side, they’re being stamped as we speak, and then shipped, as are sticker packs which were waiting for the handbills to arrive. so that’s good! no hard feelings if you’d prefer a refund, just drop us a note, info at tstout dot com. or if you get your order and things are damaged, which happens during the holidays (or anytime of year i suppose). we’ll get it sorted out, if we can’t replace, we can always refund.

otherwise, hopefully everyone enjoyed their holidays, celebrating in their own unique and festive ways. sarah made her signature drink, which is pretty identical to tim heideckers. ah, christmas spirits.

as always, appreciate your patience. hopefully these links will make up for the wait (they won’t).
- night of the comet. weirdly you can watch it all on youtube. convenient. this song is still killer. great soundtrack in general.
- coffeezilla: so i’ve been hooked on these lately and man, kinda depressing.
- things about conan, some new to me. or about jon bernthal. everybody has interesting trivia.
- how to draw perspective. tips. tricks. i am no good at this.
- neat poster article about randy tuten
- neat poster article about 80’s movie posters.
- some interesting behind the scenes stuff about res dogs. rated R for a reason.

captains log 0273

so, stickers are all pretty well in hand (well my hands), handbills and lunar calendars are printing and hopefully wrapping this week. sarah is shipping some stuff this week but some stuff will probably ship next week, alas. my hope of having calendars in hands by christmas has once again escaped my grasp. but soon, super soon. til then, if you were giving a stickerpack or calendar as a gift, you can download a certificate here, print it out and give them that, only to watch the confusion on their face slowly turn to anger.

til then, keep any questions coming via email, if you need refunds on anything, hit us up, here to help. otherwise, i will leave you with these bits and pieces of entertainment.
- 65: this is just odd feeling to me. i post it only for the oddness.
- baumgartner on painting restoration. some great work by this guy.
- hayao miyazaki on AI animation. and probably AI art in general. just thought it interesting.
- QT on Aliens / Barry on evolving as a character / True Detective character evolution
- kinda interesting note on a pretty famous poster for led zep

otherwise, if i don’t talk to you before christmas, have a very merry one, from the stouts to all of you. thanks again for the sale orders, made me realize how fortunate i am to have customers like all of you, to do this business, to be in this field. i vow to try harder this next year.
and to lose 30 lbs. er, 20. ok 10. HO HO HO, MERRY CHRISTMAS.

captains log 0272: sale info

seasons greetings from the folk here at (all 2 of us). looking for the perfect christmas gift? this probably isn’t it, due to the printing / shipping queue that we’re currently looking at. but, a perfect gift for that special loved one who has a birthday right after christmas.

here is the link for the sale stuff, for those of you interested. if you’re curious how long the sale will last, check back here for updates. calendars, this is the last preorder push before the printing begins. stickerpacks are ready to ship, minus the handbills that print with the calendars. a few other older items that i have a few copies of, digging stuff out of the flatfiles to cover the bills that accrue during the holidays. and just during life stuff. so, if you see something that grabs your fancy, feel free to purchase.

SHIPPING NOTE: if you purchase something, then go back and purchase something else, drop us a note to see if we can combine shipping. sometimes we can’t, like 10 posters can’t ship with 6 stickerpacks, but sometimes we can. apologies on the high cost of shipping, i try to cut a few bucks off of each option, but the prices are currently astronomically high. 18$ to ship to NYC! nuts.

thanks again for all your support and kindnessessess.

EDIT: so everything here is up, whatever is up, that’s what i have to sell, nothing more, alas. appreciate all the orders! been a slow year, 2022, for a myriad of reasons, but 2023, its going to be great, i’ve got a feeling.

captains log 0271: tis that season

well, finally getting my life together enough to have a poster / calendar / sticker sale coming up. long time coming i know. SO, look for that in your emails next week. things are printing, things are in motion. nothing earth shattering but things that i think are cool. you can think what you want about me… i’m not changing. i like me. my wife likes me. my customers like me. cuz i’m the real article. what you see is what you get.

til the email is sent out, let these links wash over you like a christmas fog. although they’re not christmas related per say.
- ROCKETEER. this movie was great and they missed out not making a sequel immediately.
- raccoons. pandas. i haven’t been on instagram in…awhile. its too much for ol ty.
- being the rainy season here in the PNW (PreNumbered Wallabies), its a good time to journey through ON CINEMA’s many seasons. all the lows and all the HEI’s. of which i am a member because i needed access to season 12.
- being christmas season, time to break out the old holiday favorites. my dinner with andre. sharkys machine. TOO MANY TO LIST.
- this dungeons and dragons poster is not great. some odd choices being made. from the title to the layout…just a lot going on.
- cooking with LaRue. i felt like me, laughing at this, was a good indicator of my age bracket.
- my buddy brian made this for his ALS groups, if you’re in the PNW and know someone with ALS, or have it, check out these groups, they’re good people and its a good support system.

captains log 0270

still taking lunar calendar preorders, putting together the sale stuff like stickerpacks and whatnot, trying to have the printing arrive not long after the orders, to prevent a huge ‘ordered in july, received in january’ type situation. so hopefully things line up. we got a lot.

but yeah, otherwise, heading out of november and into december. should be a good month, i feel like things are on the uptick. could just be microbial gut bacteria talking, but i have hope.

til then, enjoy the news -
- 4 hour work print, who has the time. still, some fun bits.
- so, i purchased my first crypto currencies literally the day it all started crashing. my apologies on ruining it for everyone. but this was kinda interesting to me.
- daredevil, i believe i have this series from way back.
- ah, the snake science. the lesser of the sciences.
- yeah this movie might make my list for this year. the second half was fun.
- music. clapYHSY / SNIBE / ET / CLASSY / Rhinestone
- botch is playing again. that’s pretty epic. i would enjoy seeing them again. one of my first posters was for them. possibly with akimbo and harkonen.

captains log 0269

curious what to get the friend with an unhealthy fascination in moon cycles? look no more! our 2023 lunar calendar makes moon watching fun. perfect for that lycanthrope in your life. we’ll be sending out an official email once all our ducks are lined up, but no harm in giving people a heads up.

til then, enjoy the soothing sounds of the holidays:
- jean shepherd / beer nostalgia
- gijoe commercials
- something in the dirt. looks good.
- high water main fix. good fix.
- yeah right. i remember watching this with a gang of skateboarder dudes in 2003. memories. great soundtrack.
- super old news, but interesting to someone who has a pinky toe in the vinyl record world.
- frisbee. too relatable.

captains log 0268

EDIT: thanks again!

til the next thing, these things will devour a small portion of your day, if you let them.
- sad to hear we lost kevin o’neill, one of my personal artist legends. frequent alan moore collaborator.
- its always moving to hear people’s tributes of artists, even if i myself wasn’t as familiar with that person’s work.
- the empty man movie was a lot of fun, and this directors portion of GDT’s Cabinet series on netflix, the autopsy, was the standout of the bunch. along with Panos Cosmatos’ the viewing. honestly, cosmatos stuff captures a vibe everyone else wants to capture but can’t quite land. but maybe i’m biased (i honestly have no idea how he got that patch, random yet awesome).
- these photos aren’t as fun, but telling of the times we live in.
- not sure i 100% agree with this, but i like lists, if only to disagree.
- i have zero stock trading knowledge, but this had some interesting insights i thought were worth reading.
- an american werewolf in london. i always dug this song/movie combo.

captains log 0267: sticker presale

howdy howdy howdy. so i have a few stickers i’ll be trying to swindle you with in a little bit, once they’re printed, once i’m doing stickerpacks in a month or two. but i thought i’d change it up a bit , let those of you that frequent (all two of you) have the opportunity to preorder the pack of your choice, instead of the random fruitbasket one usually receives.

no worries if nothing grabs your fancy, but feel free to take a look.

i’ll update here when these are actually in hand and shipping, so don’t order if you’ve got to have them by tomorrow, these are preorders so they’ll take a bit.

otherwise, chugging along on poster work, slowest person in the world but finally feeling like i’m getting the hang of things again.
so that’s good.

captains log 0266

trying to wrap up new things, but i do have some of these wood burns left that sarah is currently shipping. if you’re interested, you can pick one up here - if not… that’s ok. EDIT (so the reason new ones keep popping up, selling out then coming back again, i had a few orders with multiples, so once those were refunded, those copies went back up. just to avoid any confusion. thanks for your orders!)

otherwise, hopefully i can get new stuff done and be a normal human being again. i try, and i try, and i try. its not easy.

til then, submitting these important historical documentaries for your approval.
- important halloween candy announcement. gotta watch out, lotta weirdos out there.
- ant. i’m sure everyone saw this but man, that’s wild.
- kinda an interesting book cover article. i try not to judge book cover articles by their…covers
- having just rewatched alien 1-3, the directors cut of alien 3 is superior. TO ME anyways. or assembly cut or whatever they’re calling it.
- something japanese and i have in common. its just interesting how organic it looks.
- human league. i’d wear a human league shirt. elvis. haven’t seen the new movie yet. but i used to work at a video store and would play Aloha from Hawaii on vhs nonstop. it was awesome. people complained.
- tenet explained. BUT DOES IT?

captains log 0265: BACK FROM THE DEAD

geez, what a long strange…summer its been. actually its been great, spent at a month hammering nails at my kids summer camp, built a chicken coop on the ol stout compound, got my barn all organized. been putting off my social media updates, longer it went the more weird i felt about it, turned into a thing, like a phobia thing, weird. but hey, the rain is on its way so my time outside it probably at its end. time to pay the bills, as sarah likes to shout at me. so, hopefully the tstoutdotcom machine will begin rumbling back to life soon enough. first off, finally fulfilling those wood cuts i promised many moons ago, so will offer those up for sale to the original buyers first, then if they pass, onto the general populace. also some music stuff and hopefully other stuff, time to buckle down and make it happen cap’n. so, just an update to say hey, i am not yet dead. hopefully most of you are alive as well! if not, hopefully you’re not reading this. it will be a letdown compared to the afterlife.

UNTIL THEN, here are some links that i have been storing up in my cheeks like a squirrel with his nuts. that doesn’t sound weird at all.
- sharing this neat frame up ol chad sent me. pretty sweet!
- my comics intake has slowed over the years, but i did pick this up from mr ross. interesting making of.
- also, i will be picking this up. moebius. amazing.
- now this is wild. lionfish. invasive. wild. of course i will never scuba dive. the sharks will get me. or these will.
- nostalgia is a powerful drug. gucci knows, they know.
- this was an interesting article about art. netflix. reproductions. etc. and this article was like a different language.
- on a much more somber note, these talks are pretty heart wrenching. R.J. Miller has some insightful thoughts.
- lastly, on the upswing, these always pick me up. the original. the timeless jayhawks. good stuff.

captains log 0264

hello out there! long time no updates. all is well, all is well. i am not dead, or at least, only half dead. i’m still able to move the fingers on my left hand, so that is good! most of them anyways! just wanted to bring you these CRITICAL LINKS and let you know, as of yet, I have not been given a sign from above to join a monastery. build a chicken coop, yes. but not join a monastery. not yet. anywho, thanks for all your patience, support and in case i don’t talk to you later, have a great summer! make it count, as they say on sesame street.

til then -
- make the main thing THE MAIN THING
- weirdest government recruiting video ever
- qt doing his darndest to sell something
- cronenikes. just new flesh it.
- rad church pews. not that far from me.
- train gang. pretty rad, pretty rad.
- vermeer and verfar. huh.
- buyin a phone. so true. i don’t love my phone.

captains log 0263

well shoot, april 14th once again rolls around, another one for the history books. just to double triple check, let us know if you have any outstanding orders with us, i assume everything has landed safely. if not, email email email. also, unrelated to shipping but related to life, i believe i have an event coming up at the end of this month that i’ll be at. portland area on the 30th of april. i can post info if people are interested. please, no flash photography or banging on the glass.

til then, all the links that’s fit to print. that’re. that are.
- they finally revealed all of these rascals. they don’t give me any info on when they are dropping them, my involvement did not extend beyond finishing the posters. but nice to see the project through its completion.
- Dune Score / Baron / Sound. possibly the best movie i saw last year.
- bootleg robocop - just a heads up, if you see something that is 55” x 39”, that isn’t a real poster, certainly not screenprinted. i assume its a low resolution print out from a color printer. so, there ya go, public service announcement.
- in baseball news, i thought this was neat. sports. in other twitter news, alan moore.

- lastly, an emotional write up regarding one of my neighbors from across the river in pdx. our thoughts go out to her friends and family.

captains log 0262

so, everything at this point should have shipped, we should be all set. if you’ve still got a package in the wind, drop us a note. otherwise, onto the next thing. in portfolio news, updated my illustration section, stickers, handbills. hopefully pretty up to date on all those. still have to take pictures of all my kolcut / lasercuts. my wood pieces, get those all updated. then i can pass away into the mist.

til then!
- in the footer of this post, you’ll see the second piece i did for natural selections tour. kinda fun.
- ol emovieposter has some prints of mine, not sure who is selling them, maybe tim league or someone higher up at the ol mondo headquarters.
- this was amazing. not sure we’ll see the likes of this film ever again.
- these two are in my music playlist, heavy rotation. you just don’t hear music like these anymore.
- this made me laugh a few times.

captains log 0261: endetider

greetings, well we’ve done it. finally, after three months, done with shipping. and i gotta say, brutal. i wonder if the day of the preorder is coming to an end, the uncertainty of things being printed, between this and that and the other, so many things needing to gather in one place before shipping can occur. enough to drive a person batty. but, regardless, we are pretty much done. if you haven’t received tracking, drop us an email and sarah will look into it. if you received your package and it wasn’t worth waiting this long for, drop us a note, we’ll refund ya. its pretty relaxed around here, the goal is to just go out on a high note. whenever that may be. not any time soon, but possibly tomorrow.

not sure what lies on the horizon, whatever it is people will probably be like “I WAITED FOR THIS??” and that’s true, doubtless to be a letdown to some! i’m just looking forward to a stress free nights sleep. also, i’d link this facebook group where people supposedly post what they received in the last sale, but honestly i have no idea what they post because i’m on the outside of facebook, looking in.

anywho, regardless, here’s some links to life your spirit. it’ll get better, whatever trying times you’re in, as humans we are blessed/cursed with short memories, there’s always upswings.
- Torch Lady iconic photo
- John Carter - honestly, i enjoyed it. a bit long but definitely could have used a sequel. alas.
- Beetlejuice. i haven’t even watched all of this, i just assume its critical info people need to know.
- QT and Edgar Wright discuss star wars. huh.
- kinda neat akira walk through. can’t get enough. plus this was amaaaaaazing.
- i’m curious to know who bought this. if you read this, i’d be up for a trade.
- DINO MAN reacts to dino saurs. but what about dino saucers?

lastly, our thoughts are with those suffering from war thrust upon them. pray for peace.

captains log 0260

WELL. man, what an amazing couple of months. died. rose again. repeat. exciting stuff. but obviously, hugely slacking on what i owe to people. things shipping this week.

for anyone interested in a refund, i’m going to move it up to the 300% money back mark, if you spent $10 and want a refund, sarah will refund you $30 back. this will motivate us to quickly ship. at some point the refund will be so crazy everyone will ask for refunds. but my belief, my hope, my faith is we shall ship before that point!

for those still in the game, man, i appreciate your patience, undeserved, unwarranted but so so appreciated. i’m hoping to make it up to you. you’ll see some poster images on the banner below, those (and many others) will be inserted randomly into orders. could be perfect. could be slightly damaged. could be part of the edition! could be an extra that i mark with a skull! if you ordered a calendar (which ship in tubes) - your chance of getting something one of these rarities is like, one in 10. if you ordered a stickerpack, which is no less important, but ships slightly smaller…you’ll get some handbills but i’ll throw some into tubes as well. your chance of getting a cool poster with your sticker order will be more like, one in 200. less odds, but still, odds! so that’s good.

i’m not endorsing gambling in any way, this is all a random poster insertion, no additional money can change hands now, can’t increase your chances but hey, hopefully the excitement is reward enough!

captains log 0259

how marvelous, how wonderful, and my song shall ever be! calendars have arrived, handbills, stickers, shirts. they all made it to tstout headquarters, and we are stoked. these shirts, so fancy, waterbased inks so the printing is super super soft, they feel amazing. printed by the very talented folks at riot printing, wow.

so everything is finally in which means everything must finally SHIP OUT. if you feel like you’ve waited long enough, its ok to ask for a refund, just drop me a note, you won’t hurt my feeling. whatever your order was, we’ll refund you 200%, that’s a double your money back tstout guarantee, just drop me a line. its not about money, its about us wanting to let you know, hey, your business is important. i know we can be slow sometimes, but hopefully the wait makes it all that sweeter. but again, drop me an email if you’re needing cash back instead. BEFORE THEY SHIP, no sneaky stuff, haha.

otherwise, the finger is now pushing down on the brain of sarah to ship these out ASAP. so say a little prayer for her. otherwise, enjoy these links, they were of note enough to me that i bookmarked em.
- THE WORST SMELL EVER. they haven’t smelled my son Med’s shoes.
- CHIP ‘N DALE - maybe. maybe. maybe.
- SIR CHARLES knocking on people. made me laugh a few times.

- my mom uploaded this video of my grandpa, basically a glimpse of his life, can’t sum him up in 15 minutes. he’s been gone almost 18 years now but man, feels like yesterday. Grandpa Med, to my Son Med. my hope for myself is that i can be .00001% the man he was. the second greatest man i’ve ever known.

captains log 0258

so, sale update! shirts are printed and shipping to me. calendars are printing, and shipping soon to me. so hoping to begin this next week. apologies on the long wait, no one to blame buy myself as always. i appreciate your patience.

also, unrelated, but i mentioned i did a project with Natural Selections, for their tour. and they also made / sold NFT’s of said posters. one has released already, the next two are still to come. to be clear, they’re selling them, i don’t have any to sell, i’m what you might call ‘a gun for hire.’ but they asked if i’d be up for an interview today at 4:30 PST - in approximately 1 hour. here be the link to the discord discussion. i’m just along for the ride but some of you are probably already way more into the know in this dimension, so i’m passing along the link in case it is of interest. please stop by and ask how my fury road poster is coming along, i need that motivation.

*BREAKING NEWS* - i just found out its an AUDIO interview. like, me talking. man, is this exciting or what?

anywho, in other news, all else goes well. shipping shoe orders now. some links to tide you over.
- alex toth / genius
- children of men / this scene / this song. both good.
- this two parter for david lettermans interview was awesome. man, nostalgia. awesome dave.
- rev al green, two clips from the same performance.
- goodbye louie.

thanks to richard for this pic of his Governator signed Terminator print. WHO DIDN’T GIVE HIS LIKENESS RIGHTS TO THE PRINT. ha ha, all good, all good. originally kyle’s nikes had swooshes on them but i was told to take em out. ouch.

captains log 0257

MAN, TACOBELL TUESDAY. can you believe it? hopefully you can. because its here, we’re living it! do i eat at taco bell? no, my body would literally turn itself inside out. and yet, here we are. TB Tuesday.

so, minor update (minor to you, major to us because hey, this is our livelihoods!). all orders are being created, crafted, conjured up in a very non-occult related way. so that’s good news! shirts have been ordered, travis at riot printing has his steady hand on the tiller, rest assured. and yes, i sprung for waterbased inks at an extra $2+ per shirt, plus custom inside label printing. why? because you’re worth it, that’s why.

in other related news (related to me) - i had the pleasure, dare i say honor of crafting some work for Natural Selections Ongoing Tour. what is natural selection? snowboarding stuff. you can check out some pieces illustrated by me here - as well as the poster here. you’ll notice the physical poster comes with an NFT, which is all the rage lately, i have been told. caveat - i had zero hand in making the NFT portion of these, nor am i plugged into the NFT-sphere yet, so i’m not getting royalties or however that works. BUT STILL, they animated it, kinda neat. plus its sold out, so i don’t have to shamelessly plug it here. its more just to point and say ‘HEY LOOK AT THAT.’ so there ya go. I did three posters, this is leg one, so leg two and leg three will eventually be revealed as posters and i’ll post those as well.

what else, what else….nothing much really. i am ch-ch-chugging along. trying to figure out how to make BRZERK MERKS into toys. without, you know, actually really researching it. i’m researching it in the sense that i’m daydreaming about it. otherwise, nothing new to report, i’ll leave these links with you because hey, thats the kind of friend i am.
- Roger Corman’s Fantastic Four
- Elektra: Assassin / Absolute Batman: Year one / Heavy Metal 1 reviews. great stuff, slight language warning.
- speaking of Moebius.
- speaking of GI JOES. should i? should i? IS ANY OF THIS CANON???

captains log 0256

well shoot, as ken reminded me in this post, i never revealed the final prize in that banana bucks contest. i’ll include an image in the footer of this post. for those of you worrying that i’m bankrupt of all metal-cops, please do not worry about me, i still have #1. i’m fine. now metal lost boys on the other hand, i am out of those.

if you have any questions regarding your orders, please drop us a note. we’re in the midst of printing all pre-orders, so once those items arrive to us, the shipping season begins. we, as always, are extremely appreciative of your patience. i ask a lot, i know, and you put up with it, who knows why. so i bless you.

in other news, hopefully these links will keep you company throughout this week. or at least be a welcome respite from the burdens of today.
- my hero rob jones sent me this link, which was wildly entertaining and super relatable.
- RJ also sent me this which was nice of him, i guess that mondo japan show went over well! so that’s good. to all my japanese friends, our thanks for being a gracious host!
- ripley’s near miss. honestly, we don’t have enough kids named ripley.
- last starfighter has a big spot in my heart. huge fan growing up. much like neverending story. a classic.
- and, always good for a laugh, bob uecker. makes me laugh.