captains log 0255: lets go bananas

so, banana bucks has closed. but really…its just beginning. in a way, we’re all God’s bananas, am i right? and honestly, why do a giveaway if you announce all the prizes at THE BEGINNING? c’mon. we had to hold something back. something big. something…unearthly.

lets just say, if you’re into sheets of aluminum, have i got a deal for you. not a great deal, if we’re still in time machine mode, these sheets of aluminum cost at least $250 bucks back in the day. maybe even $350 with shipping. but for $300 bucks, which includes shipping (honestly i am legitimately worried sarah will kill me when she finds out), this fancy piece of aluminum can be yours. aged to perfection since 2008. is it worth it? we’ll see!

so, everyone that entered before 12PM PST TODAY, you’re all in a lottery you didn’t even know about. 1-55. RANDOM.ORG says 36 is the chosen number. Congrats Shane S!

SHANE HAS CLAIMED HIS PRIZE. and the crazy part (and i’m sure no one will believe me), I actually met Shane to sign prints of his in BELLINGHAM, WASHINGTON. about 5 hours from me. again, i know, hard to believe, ‘you rigged it just to save on shipping!’ or that i was pulling strings for shane, but honestly, that was the first (and only) time i’d met him, i was rooting for anyone on that list. a bunch of people i actually know, all of em good people that deserve a win. just a really random random thing. so, there ya go, just thought i’d tell the tale, share something i thought was kinda ‘dude, small world.’ wild, wild stuff.

captains log 0254: the morning after

Alright, banana bucks is closed. here’s the final tally. now, don’t despair just yet, we’re entering the lightning round, WHERE THINGS CAN REALLY CHANGE.

EDIT: last call - still an hour left to get your calendar orders in, your shirt orders in. and of course, your banana bucks entries in! don’t wanna be left on the shore when the ship sets sail! unless you get seasick.

just a quick update to let everyone know thanks for the sale interactions yesterday, from my perspective…all went well! so that’s good. to celebrate i went to the ymca this morning with my son to work out. my goal is to go from 230 lb gorilla to 229 lb sweaty gorilla. success.

anywho, SALES. stickers sold well, so that was good. calendars, still have a few left (its a presale so i have approximately 1 billion left). shirts, shoes, check check. all still available. WHEN DOES IT ALL END? ah a question theologians have argued about for centuries. oh, the presales? yes, they end 1/19/22 at noon PST. moving from memory…to myth….to the dirty clothes hamper.

”GET TO THE BANANA BUCKS” i hear the crowd angrily shout. that also ends 1/19/22, your time to submit totals MUST BE BEFORE THAT. 24 hours from now, pretty much. also (and people will hate this), i am going to put a pause on updating the numbers, just to keep things calm, cool and collected. WHAT COULD GO WRONG. check the original post here, and the updated post here. it’ll be fine. it’ll be fine.

captains log 0253: TSTICKERPACK SALE INFO

well shoot, the time is here to move some stickers. make sure to double check the info on how many of each you can purchase, just to avoid unnecessary refunds. if you exceed the maximum amount we’re limiting people to, usually sarah just refunds those orders, so please double check.

onto the show!
for stickerpack orders - head on over here to pick up a pack or two.
for 2022 lunar calendars (i know i know, late as usual) - head on over here
for new tstout shirt related items - head on over this way
for a pair or two of tstout slip on shoes - head this way.
NOTE: stickerpacks and calendars can ship together, and shoes and shirts can ship together. but unless you really want to risk things getting damaged, shirts and shoes can’t ship with stickerpacks. if you’re overseas and want to risk it to save on shipping, drop us a note.

lastly, if you’re a big collector of banana bucks, we have a contest going on you can check out here. with additional info here.


we’re getting there. i gotta lotta stuff to announce, this stuff takes time! give each precious little insignificant piece of trash its day in the sun.

thought take the opportunity to roll out my second BRSRK MRK series, Klub Med. you can read my write up here. you can preorder a shirt or two (or four) here. i also have a different oldie shirt design in there as well.

also, just as a double kinda heads up - sticker packs….they’ll each have seven new stickers. exciting. of those seven….i would say 3ish pretty big ones. a couple average size. maybe one or two small ones. plus a handbill. to me, its a pretty fun pack, but what do i know? mixed into these packs will be, on average, 1-2 stickers from john carpenters halloween series, 1-2 BRZRK MRK KM stickers, 1-2 other ‘pop cultural’ type heroes. plus some small random stuffs. OR, if you’re super into JC’s Halloween, I’ll have a limited amount of JUST THOSE, as a stickerpack. exciting! and those will have a JC Halloween handbill.

so, hopefully that makes sense. lots of miscellaneous stickerpacks. plus some specific to ol mike ‘yeah baby’ myers himself. alright.

lastly…for those of you interested in saving the world by donating to BananaPlanet, heres that info.

presale #1 info: SHOES SHOES SHOES

so, we’re gearing up for the sticker sale, the slow rollout, just have to line up all our ducks in a row. MAILING LIST will be hit up, but some of these (like shoes), not really new stuff, but we’ll be linking them in the sale. so they’re being activated now, so i can link them once the sale goes up. can you purchase now? sure. can you wait til the sale itself to check em out? double sure. unless they sell out. which…isn’t likely.

so, FIRST UP, SHOES. i have some shoes left over, obviously, these minimum quantity orders blessed me with an overabundance. my personal experience testimony is, they fit me, i like em, they seem to hold up ok. they don’t last forever, but i have two pairs i currently wear and i’ll keep back another two. so for me, they work. if you’re interested in picking up a pair, i’ve knocked the price down just to move em. hopefully this doesn’t seem like a slap in the face to those that purchased already, unlike posters you can always use another pair of shoes! they wear out! so yeah, if you are in the market and wanna check them out, pick up a pair.

as a side note, i’ll have a shirt for presale too, we can ship those with the shoes. otherwise, can’t really combine posters with shoes, apologies. if you end up picking up a sticker pack and want to try combining with shoes….well the stickerpacks have handbills, so it could get very messy. but if you’re into origami, we can combine stickerpacks and shoes. email for that info once you complete that other purchase.

captains log 0250

hello from the year 2022! obviously my plans to have a sale…this week? last week? regardless, that sale was moved due to me wanting to make sure i could deliver on my promise of ‘extra things’. its easy to say ‘hey i’ll do something cool’ but the hard part i have found is doing the cool thing. funny.

anywho, i write with confidence that i am moving towards sale completion. from a dream to a reality. the pieces are falling into bigger pieces, and those pieces shall form the whole. so, ye on the mailing list, have faith. ye not on the mailing list…hey you’re not missing much.

til soon, i’ll leave you with these thoughts -
- peter jackson’s beatles doc was great. it was a real look into the creative process. i enjoyed it. i’m not even a beatles guy, i was the elvis guy back in the day but now i have no idea what guy i am. but still, cool.
- mark taylor / toy designer. rip.
- paul thomas anderson’s dad. kinda neat. a legacy.
- automatic drawing / how to draw like kim jung gi - its that easy.
- for the tearjerkers, animals. tiny stoats. tyler stoats.

alright, back to wrapping up work and hopefully rewarding those banana bucks collectors, as well as pairing down the tstout print archive, hold on tightly, let go lightly as they say.

captains log 0249

alright, if you’re interested in preordering a 2022 lunar calendar, head on over to here. also the option to purchase a stickerpack with a calendar is available as a combo, save a few bucks. speaking of which, apparently USPS shipping is on the uptick, costwise. i totally understand if that influences your purchasing decision. i usually undercharge shipping by a bit, so its definitely not a money maker for me.

hopefully its all self explanatory, i’ll send out an email to my mailing list next week about the actual stickerpack sale, should be fun. but if you do want to give these away as christmas gifts and need a little placeholder, you can download either of these here.
- lunar calendar certificate
- lunar calendar with stickerpack certificate
these will be available til next week, and shut down after the stickerpack sale.

lemme know if i forgot to mention anything, any questions, and above all else, enjoy your holidays. wherever you are, give someone a hug and wish em merry christmas, peace on earth and good grief charlie brown.

captains log 0248

well merry christmas eve, merry christmas, happy holidays. i gotta confess, this month got away from me, couple of freelance gigs threw off my schedule and some neat things happening in my personal life, just threw my life outta balance. but i know there may be a few of you that enjoy purchasing lunar calendars and sticker packs as gifts.

so on that note, i’m preselling my lunar calendar today, or a lunar calendar with a sticker pack combo. the big sticker pack sale will be next week, the big ol email to my mailing list will go out next week, some fun stuff (fun for me anyways). this presale is strictly for those that want to give an extra gift in time for the holidays. print out the lil’ ‘i bought you a tstout lunar calendar with a stickerpack’ type coupon, i’ll provide a link, it’ll be great.

to further clarify, Lunar Calendars will be presold in the sale next week. Sticker packs will be sold next week. I’ll post pictures, I’ll do the writeups, the whole song and dance, I’ll really present the heck out of this, i’m coming after those dollars. but today, this is just me trying to continue the tradition of having calendars available before christmas. hopefully that makes sense. the lunar calendars cannot sell out, it’s a presale, you can also buy them in my next upcoming sale. the sticker packs, i’ve got over 40 new sticker designs, including a whole new line of berserk merks, so unless i sell 3000 lunar calendars / stickerpack combos today, i’ll have plenty of sticker packs for next week. please don’t stress this sale at all.

if you’re on my mailing list, you’ll get hit up next week with all the sale info, it’ll be a great time. i’m wrapping up the store stuff now and will be updating this page in the next few hours with purchase info. easy peasy, lemon squeezy.

captains log 0247

tis the season, holidays are upon us. wrapping up projects, some freelance illustration stuff then back to my true love, stickers. just kidding, posters. in regards of mad max: fury road, the screening is still planned, so do not despair. it will take place in the new year.

til then, some links to lift your spirits, wherever you are.
- dune, the original, with some pretty tasty extra scenes. new to me, so i was stoked. i loved the original, and i loved the remake.
- i'm taking this holiday time to rewatch some classics. top of the list, ON CINEMA, from the beginning. treat myself, why not.
- also, recently watched that sparks doc, pretty good. i had never heard of this band, ever. except this song, which was in the alan partridge movie, alpha papa. another great film.
- speaking of the jams, i hadn’t seen videos for these in awhile. takes me back. ram jam / lonely boy / annie’s song (used really nicely in that movie Free Fire, which is a great flick…actually there is a bit of language in that trailer, apologies.)
- from the flicks that time forgot, i was just reminiscing with my buddy twilson about this film BONEYARD and i guess it never really made much of an impression, culturally. this one though, just a wee bit spooky for the kiddos.
- lastly, this over the garden wall show, on the hulu i think, man, good stuff. i’m late to the party i know, but watched it with the family and just the right balance of spooky and fun.
- also, as a person who is 3/4ths scandinavian, i appreciated this article. it is pretty relatable. as my family would say, uff da.

captains log 0246

so hopefully everyone has received their orders, or tracking for their orders. drop us a note if not, want to make sure things are squared away. upcoming, but not immediately due to printing queues, i’ll have a sticker sale as well as some other stuff to hopefully get to you before the holidays, for you to give to your loved ones, for them to smile politely with a somewhat quizzical look on their faces. it will be perfect!

til then, some links for your approval.
- dune stuff. i loved it, thought it was great. i loved the original though, so this was a nice update.
- a little john carpenter piece.
- creature effects from the alien 3 film, a how did they accomplish that short.
- this is relatable because i actually run in a similar fashion.
- also a little too relatable. i’ve pulled back on my g.i.joe collecting though. few still needed to fill in the gaps. those fellas are going up in price, aye carumba.

captains log 0245

ok campers (that sounded funnier in my head, it reads slightly condescending), sarah informs me she is 90% of the way through shipping the posters from the last sale, so that is good news. if you haven’t received tracking, you should receive it by the end of this week. i heard rumblings that the postal service is changing, but i haven’t investigated how that affects shipping. hopefully they still arrive in these dark times.

other than that, nothing new to report. hoping to get a jump on lunar calendars this year, hoping to have some new stuff up before the year is out. battling some slightly inconvenient health issues, nothing fatal, more of a searching wikipedia for the cause of kidney stones, that type of stuff. turns out, getting old. but yeah, hopefully i have a few more months left in me, we’ll see. til then, i’ll post some links to lighten the dark mood that has settled over my brainstem.

- ol dave bautista representing. nice find tom! this is my way of retweeting it. saves me from resetting the password to my twitter account.
- gladiator, the making of. kinda interesting. while we’re at it, YAUTJA INVASION.
- once it gets in your head, you can’t shake it.
- billions of ants can’t be wrong.
- ways to help others. brought to you by cracked magazine. surely a sign of the end times.

edit: and lastly, keep forgetting but huge huge huge thanks for all the feedback everyone gave here. i can’t promise they’ll happen, but each comment plants a seed and you never know when that seed might germinate. a day, a month, a year from now, bursting forth, horrifying onlookers. so again, thanks so much for humoring me.

captains log 0244

well shoot, the sale is pretty well wrapped up, appreciate your orders. apologies on the last minute notice, pretty much par for the course for me, a well organized orchestrated sale rollout is not what fans of have come to expect.

a big thanks to you all for not embarrassing me in front of my wife sarah. together we have kept the illusion that i am a successful poster artist alive for yet another day. huzzah! next up, stickers! and maybe something else, who knows.

in other news, i’ll post some classic links, but wanted to take a moment for a moment of silence for ol norm macdonald. i’ve seen so few comedians live, but i saw norm twice, and boy howdy, laughed to beat the band. no one made me laugh like norm, and its been big norm marathon of all his youtube stuff the past few weeks. he was just my guy. you will be missed sir.

til then -
- vermeers hidden painting.
- rza breaking down some of the wu’s cinematic influences
- Nick Lutsko has put out some humorous songs, and i enjoy them.
- tempting. very tempting.
- planned obsolescence. interesting.
- how we got scarface. interesting. or, how we got weekend at bernies. or, the ‘i am legend’ we almost got.


captains log 0243 - poster sale info

well it looks like i’ve put this off long enough, time for a poster sale. some new stuff, some old stuff, some red stuff, some blue stuff.

most of the stuff is ‘limit one per person’, a couple aren’t. but most are. so try to limit yourselves. unless they don’t sell out, then i’ll be limiting people to 1000 posters per person. but lets wait and see.

CLICK HERE FOR SALE ITEMS. shipping cost is always going up, apologies. with most posters, i try to sell them for what they were sold for at the venue.

after this, a proper web update with fun stuff. i appreciate your interest.

ps - as always, email us about combining shipping, one of the reasons we like to gang up these posters all into one sale is trying to save on shipping fees.

pps - also, as always, email us about past orders, if you’ve got questions. i want to make sure everything i’ve sold previously has arrived. including that last halloween print, hopefully those have all arrived, let me know if not.

captains log 0242

well shoot, where did summer go? seems like only yesterday it was september 5th. crazy how time passes normally and i am just bad at budgeting time.

exciting news for all three of you who are into band posters, i plan on having some for sale soon. ‘give us the exact date!’ alas, i don’t know it, that’s what my mailing list is for, i’ll send it out when its up and running. i’ll even open shoes back up for sale. oh happy day.

til then, here are some links to pass the time.
- phil tippett’s mad god. c’mon phil, release this bad boy. its time.
- AMPJam 2021 just happened, and i was my usual boring self. if you play a drinking game and take a shot every time i say ‘thats a really good question’, then you’ll die of alcohol poisoning. but i had fun, nice to talk about my favorite soups.
- in above said interview, i mentioned dolorean, here are some jams just to help dip your toe into the world of dolorean. courtesy of al james.
- while we’re walking down memory lane, someone mentioned twin falls idaho to me today and i immediately listened to this again. and it took me back. course that song is incomplete if it doesn’t segway immediately into this jam. and then this one. my nieces don’t dig this band at all.
- birds of prey. yes, its depressing. but there’s always time to advocate change.

lastly, if people have ideas they’d like to see stickers of, leave a note in the comments. if i make it, you’ll get some free ones. you can be vague though, nothing as specific as ‘Donald Duck wearing a Nazi Uniform’. that’s too specific. just say Donald Duck and i’ll know what you mean.

captains log 0241: the return

greetings. i am back from the space beyond time and…space. as we like to call it, long beach, washington. man, been too long since i’ve updated. what a summer. laughed. cried. repeat. but i’m up and atom, and have some new prints coming out. 4 band concert posters, to be precise. all of them are for, you guessed it, Frank Stallone. i’ll send out an email to my mailing list people, so if you’re on that, no worries.

other than that, just making my way in the world today. some links to tide you over.
- copshop. this is my kind of movie. definitely.
- alien 3 retcon - i found this kinda interesting. a real ‘what if’ type scenario.
- stumbled across this, kinda interesting to see a different view of it than we are used to.
- some random comics stuff. if you’re into the coloring / inking aspect.
- a walk down memory lane. i wasn’t into star wars growing up, i didn’t see them til high school. but still, memories. somebody’s memories anyways. not mine. i was into gijoes and care bears.

lastly, some sad times, can’t have the sweet without the sour. i had a hand in designing some of the graphics for fellow guardsman Marty Nance’s F-15 tribute. so long marty. and in certain circles in the 90’s, Combat Chuck, aka Shawn Matthews, was quite the man with the plan. and now he’s gone, taken too suddenly. if you’re able to, there’s a gofundme for his family.

alright, that’s it, off to update my instagram, which for some i’ve neglected lately. who knows how brains work? if you do, let me know.

EDIT: forgot to add, if you have any outstanding orders from me, including that halloween print, please let me know asap so we can get it squared away. thanks.


captains log 0240

greetings and hellos. i am writing this to you from the year 2021…. long beach washington. sarah thought it would be fun to volunteer our family to work at a summer camp for a month, so here i am, at the beach. in the distance, i hear the sand sharks fighting over a caribou carcass. fun times. its like the old commercial, how do you make money volunteering? VOLUME.

anywho, while i’m gone, these links will get you by.
- numan / madlib / acid jazz / vampires.
also, when i’m back i’ll have some posters for sale, among them this oysterhead print i did. it represents robots, and their struggle for acceptance. in the future.

captains log 0239

greetings, summer of 2021. man, been too long. wish i had an excuse like ‘i got covid’ or ‘i got an emu’ or ‘vaccine knocked me down’, all great excuses but truth be told, who knows what i’ve been up to. plus, i wanted to have some good news. and now i do!

shoes and socks have shipped. huzzah! not only that, we have leftover shoes! and some socks, not a ton. plus, halloween posters are shipping! some have shipped, some will ship. so that is great, things are tidying up nicely i believe. great great great. if you have any issues with posters, or shoes, or whatever, please let me know, i am here to serve. shoes too big? lemme know. too small? lemme know. i wear size 13’s and they were a bit tight, took em for a walk in the creek and now they fit like a glove. and not OJ’s glove. a real nice luxury glove that you might buy on fathers day. as a gift. to yourself.

shoewise, some glamour shots taken by sarah. fancy dan, let me tell you. heads up, travis let me know that while the bags they come in are nice, they do not hold up very well in the washing machine. good tip.

also, ol rob jones let me know the mondo logo i accidentally designed back in the day is on display (in abbreviated form) in the new edgar wright film. a compliment to them, and to me. more to them i suppose. but hey, i’ll take it.

anywho, i digress, some band posters coming up, other things, should be a fun summer. til then, hey, some links, why not, they’re free.
- first off, ned beatty and eric carle. two different giants in two different fields. but both touched me when i was a child. in a positive way. and for that, i salute you gentlemen. fare thee well.
- why do movies look the way they do? we’ll never know. malick. anderson.
- i know army of the dead has divided some critics, but hey, i loved it. watched it like 10 times already. soothing. full of plot holes but i guess i’m just starved for spectacle. some nice elvis representation, brought back good memories. two months after this concert he was gone. crazy. i was about 4 months old. made me go back and check out ol jc’s kurt / elvis movie. it…is a movie. kickstarted a great relationship.
- lastly, been attending a lot of little leagues games lately. i am no sports guy, but enjoyed this.

captains log 0238

updates: halloween - the first part of the run, and the variants, are shipping from brokenpress in seattle to grey matter in nyc this next week. so these are winding their way through printing, i know mike is eager to get them out, appreciate your patience.

shoe-wise, supposedly they are in california, ‘days’ away from arriving to me. so we’ll see. not sure why they’ve taken so long shipping but we’ll keep on them and once they’re here, we’ll be shipping them asap.

with either of these, if you can’t wait, totally understand, never too late to ask for a refund.
otherwise, working on new stuff and hope everyone’s 2021 spring / summer is going smoothly. til next time:
- werewolves among us. looks promising.
- alan rickman in galaxy quest. avenged.
- watched come true. not terrible. nice song as well.
- hacking ice cream machines. wild.
- everyone’s already seen this, but i’ll link it anyways. bones are their money.
- 60’s/70’s japanese funk. og mortal kombat music.


captains log 0237

evening sportsfans, just an update to let you know the lay of the land. everything should be shipped, posters, stickers, handbills. if you didn’t get tracking, drop us a note.

also, when it rains it pours - my faithful laser seems to have started giving up the ghost, so i am having to order a new one to complete my wood orders. the cleanest / easiest option is sarah will be refunding those wood orders from the last sale, and once i have things up and running again, she’ll re-invoice you. i hate to disappoint, but i’m a perfectionist, and if they don’t look right, we must try harder.

so, that’s the news thats fit to print, expect those refunds in the next few days, drop us a reminder if you are concerned. we’ll hold your spaces for you, and you’ll have the option to either repurchase or pass, up to you.

other than that, nothing much to report, stay healthy.


captains log 0236

heyoo, success, sale wrap up. well thanks for all the orders, pretty pleased with the response, as is grey matter. these have started their journey through the printing process and eventually will arrive at your doorstep. any questions or concerns, feel free to drop me a note. like the airline pilots always say, we know you’ve got a lot of choices for posters out there, and we appreciate you flying with us.

other business. sticker packs shipping this week, look for those notifications. artprints shipping as well, and woodcuts. gonna be a fun week. i hope. other than that…no new updates i don’t think.

big shout out to my cousin evan larson, thinking of you right now bud, we’re here for ya. name the poster and i’ll send it! big hugs.

til next time:
- army of the dead. hope its good.
- brendan gleeson speaking. lovely. promoting ‘the guard’ no less. one of my favorite movies.
- waylon jennings. i remember this growing up. grandma loved him.
- rem. i remember this song as well. they used to exist.
