greetings! i am releasing a poster in partnership with grey matter art, coming out today. the regular edition will be a timed presale edition starting at 1PM ET, lasting for 24 hours. the variant edition will be dropped in groups throughout the sale, so a few here, a few there, just to keep things fun. any questions, feel free to ask. as always, appreciate your interest and support. if you’re interested in purchasing or just getting more info, head on over to grey matter.
a couple of question so far -
Q: will you have copies of this for sale on your website, down the road?
A: no. my copies and grey matters copies are the same, grey matter is handling all the sales. personally, we’re still working on shipping stickerpacks and woodcuts, so we figured we’d let them do the heavy lifting on this release.
Q: are these signed and numbered? can i send this to you to sign? will you be signing any copies?
A: great question. they will all be numbered, 100%. i’m not sure about signed. we’ll have some events coming up and making signing available, i’ll sign til the cows come home. if its any consolation, i feel like my signature actually lowers the value of most prints. as for shipping prints to me, we’ve had some pretty bad experiences with posters getting damaged in transit to us, and it just didn’t seem worth it, so we currently don’t offer that service.
Q: are these going to include extras?
A: well if i say yes, then they’re not extras, they’re part of what you’re buying. hopefully people are stoked on just getting the print and anything else is just gravy. *note, i do not recommend putting gravy on this poster.
captains log 0234
so, posters and sticker packs should be shipping soon. in terms of shoes, the great white whales to my captain ahab, they are supposedly arriving to me beginning of may. reminder, its never too late to ask for a refund, i won’t be offended.
in poster news, i worked with grey matter on a halloween print which is releasing this week. long story short, halloween has been on my list for many moons. kinda the first big carpenter classic (sorry dark star), i’m pretty pleased with the final print. if you’re on my mailing list, you’ll get a note when it goes up for sale. you can read more about it here on collider, steven weintraub did a nice writeup and even a video interview with my goofy face. of note: i sent them a promo photo of me and my eyes were closed, so they fixed it. can’t even tell. seamless.
anywho, thats it, all the news fit to print. til next time -
- i enjoyed this portrait painting experience someone shared. pretty cool
- chris farley. laugh and be sad all over again.
- loved lifted me. i watched it again. classic jack.
- really wish i spoke norwegian. my grandparents would sometimes speak it and hearing it always makes me think of them.
also of note: just to avoid accusations of ‘double dipping' on these halloween prints, there is a regular, a variant, and a glow variant which is planned for next october. i assume an edition of like 200 or something, just a cool thing for october release. halloween. its planned now, but for sale then. unless the world ends. or people hate the idea. then i was just joking. april fools.
captains log 0233 - tstout tsticker sale info PSA
edit #3: i might have caused some minor confusion with my iron giant comment. i was referring to the idea that iron giant has had a few prints done for it already. i’m not actually doing a print for iron giant. its a great movie, but currently i have no plans for that one. its for a different movie. with many parallels to iron giant. both are scary. both involve cars.
second edit: i’ve had a few emails regarding next weeks release, fun that people are stoked. just to kinda temper expectations, its for a film that has seen its fair share of other posters. for me personally its kinda a bucket list item, but its not a deep dive in terms of movie prints, more of my take on a classic film. anywho, just wanting to lower people’s expectations. basically if you’re expecting iron giant, you’ll be stoked.
edit: well shoot, i was not expecting these to sell out this quickly, i will admit i am often befuddled by sales. sarah is pleased. our family thanks you all. honestly, it wrecks me a bit emotionally because so many options for people to spend money on, yet you spend it here. truly amazing.
quick shoe update: they have shipped, they are on their way, and soon as i get them i will ship. apologies for the arduous journey. in lighter news, i have a film print releasing next week. huzzah.
alright, thanks again
i have a few items up for sale, for those of you interested. if you’re interested in stickers and papergoods, go here.
if you’re interested in woodcut stuff, go here. they’re in different stores because they ship separately. but if you do order a woodcut and a stickerpack, we can probably ship those together, just drop us a note.
sorry for the increase in shipping costs, its killing us but man, prices keep going up. and sorry for the late sale, my web hoster company threw a curveball at me and i’m still working out technical weirdness.
any questions let us know!
captains log 0232
EDIT: well i was hoping to do the sticker sale today, but too many small pieces still left to kinda wrap up, so it will be early next week. if you’re on my list you’ll get the word. apologies.
greetings april 2021. i’ve had a few emails asking if i am releasing a poster today, on april 1st. april fools day. while i am not, i do have one on the horizon that has been approved and will release in a few weeks. so there ya go. it could be terrible, or for a movie no one likes, but its coming out regardless.
i also have a sticker sale coming up pretty soon, so if you’re on my mailing list, keep your eyes peeled for that. unless you’re not into stickers, then delete that email.
til then, a few links for your viewing pleasure.
- Win a signed Terminator Regular or Variant. from me.
- Reasons to be cheerful. awww. i’m still not cheerful but hey, thanks for trying.
- More NFT news. sounds like they’re still working the bugs out.
- speaking of CRYPTocurrency, I just finished watching all 7 seasons of Tales from the Crypt. season 7 was a bit of a letdown.
captains log 0231
well march marches on. all the news thats fit to print.
in the last stages of poster approval for a new print, so stay tuned on upcoming news on that. shoe-wise, i’ve been told by the factory people we are in the end stages of production, things seem to be progressing nicely so hopefully we receive them soon and ship them out. will update as they update me. stickerpacks are on the horizon, some new ones that i think are pretty cool. but who knows, maybe i’m out of touch.
speaking of out of touch, i’ve had some emails about these NFTs, and while i think i grasp the concept, i guess i’m hesitant to jump on it at the moment. seems weird. my loss i know. that being said, if anyone wants to buy one from me for a million dollars, i will reluctantly part with one.
other than that, here are some NFT news articles that i am willing to give you for free.
- drone bowling
- great interview with sir guy ritchie, underrated director that has made more than a few classics
- these superman NFTs are amazing.
- this shelley duvall interview is interesting, a few kubrick tidbits.
- man, i would buy this interview as an NFT, am i right? steve at collider really did me a solid, what a guy. you have to click on the interview to see the true NFT-ness of this. pretty cool.
- this song by darondo is classic NFT material right here. or MP3.
captains log 0230
februuurary update: other than the shoes, sarah has completed all the shipping from our previous sale, held up in part by the sock production. we continue to wait on our shoe order to be completed, and once it is, those orders will ship with their socks and stickers. otherwise everyone should have their stuff, or tracking. if not, drop us an email.
a couple of notes on the sale:
- regarding the socks, being that this is our first attempt at sock manufacturing, they turned out fairly well, but i’ve noticed some designs are a bit small. if these socks don’t fit your feet, please let us know and we’ll refund you, no hard feelings. don’t try to tough it out wearing socks that don’t fit right, please drop us a note.
- we have a sticker sale coming up at some point, and pros and cons handbills will no doubt be included.
- i do have plans for all these banana bucks, just finishing up my current project and then can devote all my attention to having some items worth redeeming those bucks for.
other than that, a fun thing on the horizon (fun to me), so you’ll get an email update regarding that. til then
- ze future of cinema
- remembering ‘the hitcher’, which is a classic classic film.
- ol c.nolan on filming. honestly, i loved tenet. i don’t completely buy the timelines, but loved it.
- animated conan. yes, more of this.
captains log 0229
well shoot, calendars are finally shipping, artprints are shipping, stickers are shipping. expect them this next week, apologies on the delay. socks are shipping…to me, from the printer, so those will be a bit longer. shoes are…a way out.
speaking of shoes, some pics from the manufacture people. these are turning out nicely. these…a bit too dark for my taste, so i redrew the artwork in a bit lighter style. i think it’ll print nicer, we’ll see.
again, if you’re having second thoughts, always feel free to ask for a refund, totally understand. otherwise, appreciate your patience and will keep you updated.
til then:
- this story has some sad parts, but also inspiring parts. and i say that as someone who has no knowledge of the football.
- i wonder if this revised game of thrones really fixes anything.
- these gremlin 2 style sheets are pretty rad.
- its never all good news: if you have an extra dollar here’s a need within my local community. so many needs these days, just try to focus on the ones in my vicinity. i have a 16 year old. hard news, for sure.
- lastly, another examination of prometheus. that movie has been talked about a lot more than most movies.
captains log 0228
processing…processing….just another update, should start shipping this next week on calendars and artprints and stickers, apologies on the delay. i’m getting updates on the socks and they’re looking pretty decent, looking forward to having them in hand.
some nice links to soothe the tattered soul
- kong vs lizardo. fun.
- anyone looking for some freelance wizardry, hit up my homie jeff proctor, he’s the master.
- some cool infra-red video stuff. neat.
- ari aster update. i’m looking forward to it.
- zappa / great film. i’m no huge zappa buff, but enjoyed this one. plus cool how it mentions designers / animators he worked with.
- from an anthropological perspective, the branding behind this group is wild. so ‘boogaloo’ is a reference to the movie, breakin’ 2. and their hawaiian shirts a reference to code names for get togethers. wild wild stuff.
- speaking of branding, i found this funny.
- i’ve listened to TMBG all my life. big fan. and this was interesting about busta. and of course, the legendary byrd.
captains log 0227
so, finally caught up with that last sale, in terms of getting things done. that whole concept of ‘hey i’ll do this cool thing if you preorder it!’ then i had to actually do all those things. kinda surprised me how long it took. anywho, everything is printing, shoes and socks will take longer and ship separately, paper stuff hopefully shipping soon though orders with that mystery sticker might have to wait for the stickers to be done printing. everything has to line up just right. regardless, appreciate the orders, always feel free to check in on their status, i will post here when the first stuff starts shipping. also, never hesitate to request a refund if life circumstances change for you, its never a big deal.
going to be updating with my more recent work, try to get a wood / laser section up and running. couple other fun things in the works. or hypothetically fun.
til then, link it up
- alice in borderland / i just finished this and i enjoyed it. though i’m sensing a theme, japan.
- travel portland. its amazing. ok, well not now, certainly. but soon it’ll be back on its feet.
- steve spielberg trash talking temple of doom. for shame. arguably in the top 2 indy films.
- ghibli’s on your mark.
- goodbye to bob’s burgers Dave Creek. too young.
- neat look into walt simonson’s early career.
captains log 0226
alright, christmas is here. finally. almost. just a final update on this charity fundraiser we did, due diligence. happy to supply any further receipts for any concerned. as the saying goes, TRUST, BUT VERIFY. here are the receipts and some fancy pics. a rewarding experience for us all. the original plan was half to child services and half to open house ministries. the child services project took less funds than we expected, so we brought on a third organization, a substance abuse program down the road from our house that sarah knows through friends. the breakdown was DCYF $1906 / Open House Ministries $5000 / XChange Recovery $3094.
so, tis the season, hopefully everyone enjoys their orders once they arrive and has a wonderful christmas or holiday season. its been an odd year, but 2021 will be better and life finds a way. SEASuNS GREatIZGS.
ps - here are some printable certificates if you purchased shoes or socks as a gift and want to have something to print out and give.
captains log 0225
so our 2020 december sale has wrapped up, a big thanks to all that ordered. still calculating the numbers (not 100% sure what these socks and shoes will set me back yet) but from the ebay auctions and sales, i am confidant we reached the goal of 10k for our charities. so that is amazing, everyone that contributed, huge thanks.
where do we go from here? well, we’ll be ordering our sock orders, no problem there. the shoe orders might be trickier. in talking with the manufacturers, they mentioned each size needs a minimum amount of that specific size ordered, and some sizes only had like 1 ordered in that specific size (mens 3.5 for instance). being my first time at the bat with shoe manufacturing, this was news to me. so, we’ll see, i’m 99% sure both designs will be printed, but there also might be some refunds to the sizes that weren’t as popular. apologies, i do not envy that phil knight guy, a lot of things to consider with shoes. all that being said, we can refund your order at any time and should any projects be cancelled, refunds will go out as well. fingers crossed!
in other news, lunar calendars are printing after christmas and should ship pretty soon, artprints the same deal. stickers will take awhile. socks and shoes, a long while. wood prints are being printed by me currently, each one a unique piece, pretty fun. ebay winners will have their prints being shipped asap as well.
on the charity front, we’re heading washington’s department of child services tomorrow, tree and lights and a ton of gifts for kids ages 1-18. should be fun setting it up, the department has already expressed their thanks and i’m sure it’ll make a lot of kids christmas’ pretty special. plus it illustrates to my kids what the holidays are all about, being kind to one another. so thanks for the opportunity. plus open house ministries will be receiving a check, as well potentially another addiction recovery center in our community, since we exceeded our goal. success, complete success. will continue to update with this project so everyone can share in the warm fuzzy feelings. if that’s your thing. so, on that note, thanks again, let us know if you have questions, shipping issues or refund requests. have a good one!
ps - if people are interested in printable certificates for items sold to give this christmas (“i bought you shoes that will arrive a long time from now”), lemme know, i am happy to make them but if no one really cares one way or another, i’m ok not making them.
captains log 0224
update on the sale -
we’re still currently taking pre-orders for shoes and socks, make sure you check them out. i think people will be stoked on the final pieces, i’m pleased with the samples i’ve seen. might do a bit of a giveaway with a few random shoe orders just to get the word out. heres a link to that sale writeup, just to refresh.
in other news, thanks so much for all the orders yesterday, the tstout household remains in your debt. in debt, in general, but this helps, ha.
oh life. so, to sum up items people are curious about.
-socks! so far, looking good, i’ll have to come up with some cool extra items to add to these shoes and socks orders, just to make it extra special. for the ‘mystery’ sock, we’re currently sitting at 2 designs, so if you ordered one pair and want to order another, feel free, you’ll get two designs (drop us a note about combining shipping). ALSO, i didn’t have the size options available on those mystery socks, apologies. they’ll all be the bigger size by default, unless you ordered some and prefer the small size, if so, let me know. both sizes have been added now. thanks to friend c.white for the heads up.
- ebay auctions - looking good, i think we’re going to raise a good amount of funds for charity there. so that’s good.
- calendars - we passed the magic 300 mark so these will indeed have glow in the dark ink for the moons. exciting! i did wrap that preorder up because i wanted to get them started printing.
- artprint is also printing. should be cool. i hope. getting those woodprints/woodcuts made as well. fun.
captains log 0223
so, we are pleased to announce our new product line…Spatulas! wait, that’s next month. shoes! socks! other stuff! here’s a nice write up of todays sale, some interesting info i didn’t know, very cool. hopefully everything self explanatory. email with questions. nothing super crazy, i don’t think. just a bird trying to get a nut, as the saying goes. definitely encourage you to give the write up the once over just to make sure i’m not donating everything to legalize squirrel fighting or something.
and with that,
SHOES / SOCKS sold here
EBAY CHARITY AUCTIONS listed here - currently listing, 7 auctions total
EDIT: i should have said, we’ll be taking preorders through the weekend, til monday. auctions wrap up monday as well. good times.
i’m sure i’m forgetting something but i’ll keep updated as things progress.
captains log 0222
well, 2020 is almost over. another boring year, am i right? speaking of boring, i have some stuff coming up for sale, something a little different for the ol you’re probably wondering, is TST-OUCH AWAY™, my revolutionary alternative medicine system, finally launching? unfortunately a few bugs to still work out, a few allergic reactions, still fine tuning that entire line.
instead, we’ll be launching some ‘apparel’ type stuff. hint, what does a person use almost every day? arms? torso? no, the answer is, your feet. so we’re going to give phil knight a run for his money and try to tackle the mystery that has baffled scientists for years. also, an art print as part of our 114 edition series, a small edition of wood etchings, plus a charity auction to raise money for who knows what. sarah probably knows. its all tax-related, looks good to the IRS auditors.
so, that will all be happening soon, if you’re on my mailing tstlist™ you’ll get the word. nothing crazy. until then, these links will serve as a balm to your fevered brow.
- music. i’ve been listening to a lot of music lately and man, i have terrible taste in music. but these were fun to me.
emancipator / emancipator 2 / alt-j / odesza (same college as me) / blockhead / lifes highway
- quarantine goldfinger: superman / bedroom
- dark knight behind the scenes / on ledgers joker / warner brothers acting the dirtbag
- dark patterns. sign me up.
lastly, happy birthday to this guy. 20+ years of faithful service. some tstout trivia (tstrivia™) - tom has given feedback / art direction advice on probably 99% of the stuff i have done. the unsung (and unpaid) hero of hard to believe he’s 51 years old. time flies. he’s been like a father to me.
captains log 0221: EL LUNAR CALENDARO
so, another year, another boring lunar calendar…’re probably saying. well you’re wrong! its not boring, its interesting to learn about the moons and stuff. us smart people understand! because i’m smart. no matter what the doctors say. ANYWAYS, time to mix things up this year
(* insert record scratch sound *).
each year, usually, i pick the regular colorway, my favorite, and then a secondary colorway for the variant. the idea being, hey, i know what people like, i know what colorways are best. turns out, i don’t. who knows? science? we have no way of knowing. but this year, i’ll let you, the educated consumer, decide. whichever colorway gets to 100 copies first, that’s the regular edition. the variant is usually about a third of the run, so if the regular is 300, the variant would be about 100. so, the variant will be stopped at 100. now you’re probably asking “but what if you don’t sell 100 of either of these?” well then they’ll just be 100 of each, 100 regs, 100 variants. if the regular sells over 300, i might then increase the variant in increments, a few more included randomly at the actual sale time.
long story short, this is up for presale HERE. no limit to how many you can purchase. but, i will send out an email…next week. so don’t stress it, you’ll get a reminder. this way you have an opportunity to not purchase it now AND not purchase it next week. man, talk about a savings! ‘what are the benefits to purchasing it now?’ next week the price will be increased by at least a dollar, so get in on the savings now!
last note (not really). these probably won’t be shipping by christmas. that would mean a lot of planning on my part, and if history tells us anything, its that i am not a good planner. so, if you’re giving this as a gift and need a placeholder, print this out. it should buy us some time.
also, if we have any additional stuff for sale next week and i’m able to combine shipping, we can definitely do that. but if this ends up being the last thing from before christmas, then hey, merry christmas.
PPSS - also, everything has shipped from our terminator sale. question? complaints? email us here and we’ll get it squared away.
captains log 0220
ah the infamous black friday. i’m not gotta lie, i’m not a big believer in buying stuff. or selling stuff. it makes for running my own business very challenging. probably why sarah runs the business and i stick to running from responsibilities.
sure, it’d be a perfect time to sell some scratch and dent tubes, each with 4 random prints, unwanted prints, damaged prints stamped with a big ol ‘damaged’ stamp. the dregs of the flatfiles. couple random stickers thrown in. couldn’t take any special requests. ‘could i get this specific print?’, because they’d already be packaged up in tubes, no way of knowing what each one contained. ready to ship, just have to slap a label on em and out the door they’d go. limit one tube per person. to quote oj simpson, that’s how i’d do it, if i did it.
but then i thought, what do people need more than old damaged posters? they need links. a little song. a little dance. a little joy to the world instead of just trying to make a buck. am i right? so….
- look at this shark and this guy. they look like they’re having fun.
- look at this classic blind melon song. ol shannon.
- look at this photographer, Don McCullin
- look at the strongest man in the world. and despair.
- look at this, an in depth examination concerning the rise of the unreliable narrator. man, this one hits close to home. too close.
captains log 0219
well shoot, another update, nearing the end of the shipping process. variants starting to go out, pretty pleased with those. the whole paper is metallic, scratch off the ink, metal underneath. pretty cool.
getting back some damages, as expected. if you’re ever unhappy with your order, at the very least we can offer you a refund, if you ship it back. replacements, we can do a few, but obviously we don’t order a billion extras to have on hand. some reports of printing marks - like deez - which we try to catch. personally i like em, they are little things that say ‘hey, this was printed by hand, on a fibrous paper.’ each screenprint is different, each pulled by andy at brokenpress, not by a machine. its like a painting, organic and unique. but again, if it bugs you, we don’t expect you to live with it, ship it back. can’t guarantee a replacement, but will always guarantee a refund at the very least, so you’re not out anything.
otherwise, wrapping things up and hope to update next week with a ‘that’s all folks’ type thing. been a journey, ha. til next time
- this amazing screw on head, shame it didn’t get greenlit
- this 80+yr old illustrator, wow
- great interview with stuart immonen, indepth
- kinda funny predator review, not beloved.
- i’m rewatching the expanse from the beginning, to get ready for season 5. we’ll see how that goes. i enjoy it.
captains log 0218
shipping update - WELL, the big news this week, on everyone’s mind, i know i know…..’where is my terminator print?!’ or, on some people’s mind, ‘hey i got my terminator print’.
so, we have shipped about half the posters, not too terrible. our printer brokenpressdesign is averaging 1200ish a week, we’re packing them up and shipping them out in 500 tube increments, chipping away. my guess, another few weeks and all will be shipped. as always, we appreciate your patience and, of course, if you have changed your mind, drop us a note and we’ll get you that refund.
regarding the prints themselves, i’m super pleased, they look great, paper is amazing, some nice silver metallics. variants should be a trip, we’ll see how those turn out. also of note, sarah has hired quite a band of workers from among my daughter clovers circle of friends, so this job has provided a pretty fun work experience for about 10 young adults. sarah even pays them above minimum wage, much to my dismay. once again we appreciate all your support and business, the opportunity to pass that forward onto the next generation is nice.
if you receive your print and it has any defects you’re not happy with (the tube bent in half during shipping for instance), please let us know. we take damages….SERIOUSLY. but we actually do.
alright, til next time -
- feels like a time of goodbyes, doesn’t it? goodbye sir connery, goodbye pdx restaurant landmarks pokpok and montage. a time of changes.
- speaking of goodbye, portland’s own matthew choi, a gofundme for his family. so sorry to see him go.
- thought this was fun. someday, someday.
- my pals joe and lloyd put together this special cut of their cursed words short. classic. visionaries!
- i can’t paint this good, and i’m not even blind. not yet anyways. stop motion reaper.
- murder hornets, not that far from my house. i’m including them with the variant terminators. they will save us.
captains log 0217
tstout update my homies. do people use the word “homies” anymore? am i unhip? unpossible.
regardless, my terminator is nearing…well marching towards completion. the way it’ll work, sarah’s just one person, she’s bringing in a crew of poster shippers to help, but still, between me and my printer, this will take a bit of time to print and ship. I’m picking up the first 1000 prints tomorrow (wednesday), and those will ship early this following week. each week we’ll ship another 1000-1500 til boom, all done. your patience is vastly appreciated as always. plus, i think people will dig the extras i had printed up. who knows. lets just say, its a bit of an ‘interactive’ poster experience.
so, updated. these will start appearing at peoples doorsteps next week but do not be alarmed if you don’t get shipping right away. feel free to email, or i’ll be keeping updated with any news. all will be fine. exciting, isn’t it?
no other news to report, but i did have some links, as always -
- i’m not a big movie list guy (maybe i am) but this list had some real gems.
that last one, boy howdy, might go down as my favorite movie of the year. will forte is sublime. excellent jarvis cocker soundtrack inclusion.
- a great ceramic artist has a gofundme going on, chip in if you’re able to.
- ol jeff, you clever girl.
well shoot, that’s it. thought i had more links. i bookmarked this? or this? a poor crop for a link farmer like myself.
captains log 0216
well, in the aftermath of the last poster sale, last week the family had our yearly road trip, traveled the small towns of idaho and wyoming in pandemic era usa. most are holding up well. but now we’re back at home, getting back to emails and righting wrongs. terminator posters are still printing, and shipping materials are being ordered.
if you are still waiting on something you ordered from the previous sale (kolcut sticker packs etc), please drop us a line, those should have arrived for the most part. if you have regrets about any recent purchases of sticker packs or terminator prints, please feel free to reach out on that as well and we can get you taken care of.
otherwise, we’ll continue as planned and hopefully these will ship smoothly. will update here before they start going out.
til next time
- 2067: worth watching?
- jeff bridges / the dude anecdote
- aliens watches. neat.
-go guy goma.
- one of these ‘behind the movie’ type youtube shows. kinda interesting.